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 The polar bear evolved about 200,000 years ago from brown bear ancestors. They have adapted for survival in the Far North such as Alaska, Canada, Russia,

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Presentation on theme: " The polar bear evolved about 200,000 years ago from brown bear ancestors. They have adapted for survival in the Far North such as Alaska, Canada, Russia,"— Presentation transcript:

1  The polar bear evolved about 200,000 years ago from brown bear ancestors. They have adapted for survival in the Far North such as Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway.  Polar bears range throughout the Arctic in areas where they hunt seals at openings in sea ice.  Polar bears are the world's largest non-aquatic predators. They top the food chain in the Arctic, where they prey primarily on seals.

2  Polar Bears are most endangered by the reduction of "land" where they can haul out. If warming continues, there is no way to effectively reduce float ice melting on a large scale.

3  “Global warming is an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to changes in global climate patterns. Global warming can occur from a variety of causes, both natural and human induced.

4 CO2 is a chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. It is a gas at standard temperature and pressure. Carbon dioxide exists in Earth's atmosphere currently at a globally averaged concentration of approximately 385 parts per million by volume. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas as it transmits visible light but absorbs strongly in the infrared and near- infrared.

5  A carbon footprint is an estimate of how much carbon dioxide is produced to support your lifestyle. Essentially, it measures your impact on the climate based on how much carbon dioxide you produce. Factors that contribute to your carbon footprint include your travel methods and general home energy usage. Carbon footprints can also be applied on a larger scale, to companies, businesses, even countries.

6 The simplest thing you can do is turn off the lights when you leave the room, turn off the water when your not using it. Wash dishes by hand. When you`re scrubbing dishes turn off the water. Reduce garbage, save electricity, and other things that helps the environment. Also try to reduce Green House Gases, they cause warmer temperatures that make the ice melt.

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