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The Science of Matter Chapter 1. What is Chemistry? The investigation of the properties and interactions of matter.

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1 The Science of Matter Chapter 1

2 What is Chemistry? The investigation of the properties and interactions of matter.

3 Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. ▫Mass: the amount of matter in an object.  NOT THE SAME AS WEIGHT  Weight is the gravitational force upon that matter.

4 Properties of Matter Physical Properties: things that can be directly observed Chemical Properties: things that can only be observed by changing the object being studied

5 Macroscopic vs. Submicroscopic Macroscopic: ▫Matter that is large enough to be seen.  All observations of the composition and behavior of matter are made from macroscopic level. Submicroscopic: ▫Matter that cannot be seen with any microscope.  The realm of atoms and their structures. The submicroscopic realm produces an understanding of why or how matter interacts or behaves in the way it does.

6 Models Models are used in chemistry to understand and think about the submicroscopic views. A model is a thinking device that helps you understand and explain macroscopic observations based upon experimentation.

7 Classifying Matter 2 Main groups: ▫Pure substances: matter with the same fixed composition and properties  Elements  Compounds ▫Mixtures: a blend of 2 or more substances  Not chemically combined

8 Mixtures homogeneous mixture: a mixture that is the same throughout. ▫Cannot visibly see different parts.  solutions (saltwater, air) heterogeneous mixture: has visibly different parts. ▫chocolate chip cookies

9 Solutions Homogeneous mixtures ▫Air ▫Saltwater ▫Alloys Solution Parts: ▫Solute: ▫Solvent: ▫Aqueous solution:

10 Separation of Mixtures Occurs by physical means (with physical changes) ▫Does not change the chemical identity of the substance. Separation Techniques: ▫Chromatography ▫Distillation ▫Evaporation ▫Filtering ▫Sorting

11 Homework: Pg. 809-810 ▫#1-10 All ▫Due Monday 9/9/13

12 Pure Substances Elements: ▫A substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances. ▫~118 known elements ▫Organized in the periodic table ▫Symbolized with a 1 or 2 letter abreviation.  1 st letter is capitalized, 2 nd is lowercase.  Ex: O, Al, Br, H, U, Cu, K

13 Pure Substances Compounds: ▫Substances that are composed of 2 or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion.  Ex: water is always 88.8% O and 11.2% H by mass ▫Cannot be separated into simpler substances without losing the compounds original properties. ▫Shown with chemical formulas  Ex: C 12 H 22 O 11, CO 2

14 Classifying Matter by Composition Qualitative: an expression without measurement or numbers. ▫Tells what something is made of. Quantitative: a numeric expression of composition based on measurement. ▫Ex: sucrose is composed of 42.1% C, 51.4% O, and 6.5% H.

15 States of Matter 4 possible states: solid, liquid, gas, or plasma ▫Characterized by the arrangement and movement of the atoms. State of matter is dependent upon temperature. Changes in state occur by heating or cooling past Freezing or Boiling Points. Volatile: substances that can easily go to a gas at room temperature ▫Ex: gasoline, alcohol, mothballs (naphthalene)

16 Changes in Matter Physical vs. Chemical

17 Physical Changes Any change that does not result in the formation of a new substance ▫Does not change the chemical composition of the substance. ▫Ex: tearing, heating, cooling, dissolving, evaporating, freezing, melting, condensing

18 Chemical Changes A change that results in the formation of 1 or more new substances. ▫Changes the chemical composition of the original substance. ▫Always involves a chemical reaction ▫Ex: burning, rusting, decomposition, etc.

19 Chemical Reactions Involves the breaking of existing bonds within a material, rearrangement of the atoms, and the formation of new bonds. Law of Conservation of Mass: mass is neither created or destroyed in a chemical change.

20 Chemical Reactions and Energy Energy: the capacity to do work or create heat. All reactions involve energy ▫Exothermic: reactions that involve a net release of energy  Ex: burning a bottle of gasoline ▫Endothermic: reactions that involve a net absorption of energy  Ex: cold packs, Photosynthesis

21 Homework Chapter 1 Review Pgs. 46-49 #1, 2, 5-8, 10, 13-19, 24, 29, 36, 47, 57 Due Wednesday 9/11/13

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