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By: John McLaughlin Saturday August 14 th, 2010 On the web National Voter Perceptions.

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Presentation on theme: "By: John McLaughlin Saturday August 14 th, 2010 On the web National Voter Perceptions."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: John McLaughlin Saturday August 14 th, 2010 On the web National Voter Perceptions

2 Opinion Barack Obama 2 McLaughlin & Associates

3 PollDateFavorableUnfavorableNet Difference Averages6/17-7/1951.043.4+7.6 Quinnipiac7/13-7/194945+4 Bloomberg7/9-7/125540+15 Fox News6/29-6/305244+8 Marist6/17-6/245043+7 Resurgent Republic 6/20-6/234945+4 Opinion Barack Obama Source – Real Clear Politics - McLaughlin & Associates 3

4 Barack Obama: Job Approval 4 McLaughlin & Associates

5 PollDateApproveDisapproveNet Difference Average7/21-8/11 44.749.3-4.6 Rasmussen8/9-8/11 4554-9 Gallup8/8-8/10 4548-3 NBC/WSJ8/5-8/9 4748 USA Today/Gallup7/27-8/1 4153-12 PEW Research7/21-8/5 4741+6 Fox News7/27-7/28 4350-7 Democracy Corps7/26-7/29 4551-6 Job Approval: Barack Obama Source – Real Clear Politics - McLaughlin & Associates 5

6 In the next election for President, do you feel that Barack Obama has performed his job well enough to deserve re-election, or do you think it is time to give a new person a chance? 6 McLaughlin & Associates

7 Generic Vote for Congress 7 McLaughlin & Associates

8 PollDateRepublicanDemocratNet Difference Average7/13-8/8 46.341.3GOP +5 Gallup8/2-8/8 4943GOP +6 Rasmussen8/2-8/8 4639GOP +7 PEW Research7/21-8/5 4445DEM +1 Fox News7/27-7/28 4736GOP +11 Reuters/IPSOS7/22-7/25 4644GOP +2 CNN/Opinion Research7/16-7/21 4944GOP +5 Quinnipiac7/13-7/19 4338GOP +5 Generic Ballot: Republican vs. Democrat Source – Real Clear Politics - McLaughlin & Associates 8

9 Since Barack Obama is President, who would you prefer to represent you in Congress? A Democrat congressman who will help Barack Obama pass his agenda. OR, A Republican congressman who will be a check and balance to Barack Obama. 9 McLaughlin & Associates

10 Opinion Nancy Pelosi 10 McLaughlin & Associates

11 Democrat Majority in Congress Job Approval 11 McLaughlin & Associates

12 Republican Minority in Congress Job Approval 12 McLaughlin & Associates

13 Total Vote GOP Vote Dem Vote Und Voted Obama/ Not Dem Economic5464454955 Economy/Create Jobs40 413839 Wasteful Govt. Spending11193710 Hold Line on Taxes34133 Lower Gas Prices11113 Social208312422 Health Care1142012 Education52887 Fix Immigration System22243 Environment10110 Honesty/Integrity of Govt.1619131417 Traditional Family Values23121 National Defense/Terror22132 DK/Refused74994 National Most Important Issue 13 McLaughlin & Associates

14 Total Vote GOP Vote Dem Vote Und Voted Obama/ Not Dem Unemployment/Jobs2013292021 Health Care/Insurance97121011 The Economy910 78 Financial44546 Budget/Deficit47231 Taxes37015 Terrorism33332 Social Security32331 Education22312 Housing21333 Govt. Inference24000 Socialism24010 Govt. Spending23010 Don’t Know1613 2825 What is the greatest fear you have for your family's immediate future? (Top Verbatim Responses) 14 McLaughlin & Associates

15 Thinking about the country's economic conditions, have we pretty much hit the bottom, or is there still a ways to go before we hit the bottom? Source – NBC News/Wall Street Journal- 15 McLaughlin & Associates

16 In the past two years, do you personally know someone who has lost their job? 16 McLaughlin & Associates

17 In the past two years, do you personally know somebody who has had to take a pay cut from their current job, somebody who has had to take a job for less money than they made in their previous job, or somebody who has been forced to take a part time job, just to make ends meet? 17 McLaughlin & Associates

18 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "America is at a critical crossroads. If the policies and changes being forced on us from Washington are not stopped our children and grandchildren will not enjoy the same freedoms and opportunities that previous generations of Americans have enjoyed." 18 McLaughlin & Associates

19 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Government borrowing and spending is out of control. President Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress, have spent a trillion dollars on a stimulus plan that didn’t create jobs, bought a car company, bailed out the banks, passed a trillion dollar health care plan and are running a one point six trillion dollar yearly deficit. We simply don’t have the money for all this spending and we have to elect new people to leadership positions to get government spending under control.” 19 McLaughlin & Associates

20 Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with the following statement? "President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats' agenda of the federal government taking over the banks, auto industry; and health care, is driving this country in a direction that will fundamentally change what we know and love about America." 20 McLaughlin & Associates

21 By: John McLaughlin Saturday August 14 th, 2010 On the web National Voter Perceptions

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