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Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Love divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven to earth come down! Fix in us Thy humble dwelling; All They faithful mercies.

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Presentation on theme: "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Love divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven to earth come down! Fix in us Thy humble dwelling; All They faithful mercies."— Presentation transcript:


2 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Love divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven to earth come down! Fix in us Thy humble dwelling; All They faithful mercies crown. Jesus, Thou art all compassion; Pure, unbounded love Thou art. Visit us with Thy salvation; Enter every trembling heart. Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit into every troubled heart! Let us all in Thee inherit; Let us find the promised rest. Take away our bent to sinning; Alpha and Omega be. End of faith, as its beginning, set our hearts at liberty Finish then Thy new creation; Pure and spotless let us be. Let us see Thy great salvation, Perfectly restored in Thee. Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love and praise. CCLI#2431169 Words, Charles Wesley, Music, John Zundel. CCLI#2431169


4 Leader: Love suffers long and is kind. Congregation:Love does not envy. Love does not parade itself. Love is not puffed up. Love does not behave rudely. Leader:Love does not seek its own. Congregation:Love is not provoked. Love thinks no evil. Leader:Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Congregation:Love bears all things. Love believes all things. Love hopes all things. Love endures all things. Love never fails. Leader:But where there are prophecies, they will fail; where there is knowledge, it will vanish away. Congregation:And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.


6 Come, Now Is The Time To Worship Come, now is the time to worship. Come, now is the time to give your heart. Come, just as you are to worship. Come, just as you are, before your God. Come. One day every tongue will confess you are God. One day every knee will bow. Still, the greatest treasure remains, For those who gladly choose You now. CCLI#2431169 Words & Music by Brian Doerkson ©1988 Vineyard Songs

7 Celebrate the Lord of Love Trade your heavy heart for a heart of joy, Celebrate what God has done. Join the song of praise as we gather here, Celebrate the Lord of Love. Jesus is our Lord, He is reigning here, We declare, “His kingdom come!” Darkness has to flee in His holy light, Celebrate the Lord of Love. All creation sings…hear the oceans roar… Let the earth proclaim that Christ is Lord! (repeat all) Words & Music Paul Baloche & Ed Kerr CCLI#2431169 ©1995 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music

8 Meditation May the words of my mouth, be acceptable to You. May the meditation here in my heart always be true. May I always seek Your face, find my refuge in Your grace. May Your Spirit take His place... in me. May the glory of the Lord, fill this room in which I stand. May I praise Your holy name, for you love me as I am. I am only dust it’s true, but this dust belongs to You. Come and draw me closer to... You Lord (repeat) May Your Spirit take His place… in me. CCLI#2431169 Words & Music David G. Mattson

9 Praise Adonai Who is like Him, the lion and the lamb, Seated on the throne? Mountains bow down, every ocean roars To the Lord of Hosts. Praise Adonai, from the rising of the sun ‘Till the end of every day Praise Adonai, all the nations of the earth, All the angels and the saints sing praise. CCLI#2431169 Words and music Paul Baloche ©1999 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music








17 All To You You called me, Lord; You know my name. I’m standing here; I’m not ashamed. I’ve searched and came up empty. This world has nothing for me. You are my One and Only. I’m living my life for You. I’m giving everything to You. Not holding back, but every part, I’m giving it all to You. You are the Lord of all I am. I’ll never be the same again. I’ve searched and came up empty. This world has nothing for me. You are my One and Only. Repeat chorus 2 times Give it to You. Giving it all to You. Repeat chorus 2 times CCLI#2431169 Words & Music: Lincoln Brewster and Reid McNulty


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