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“17 elephants jet into the U.S. from Swaziland despite protests” i.

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1 “17 elephants jet into the U.S. from Swaziland despite protests” i

2 Seventeen elephants flown out of Swaziland on a chartered plane are now in their new home country -- the United States. The elephants, from a game reserve run by nonprofit Big Game Parks, landed in Fort Worth, Texas, over the weekend aboard the cargo plane. Before their departure from Swaziland, the giant animals were sedated and loaded onto crates for the long flight. On arrival, five were transferred to the Dallas Zoo under police escort. The remaining 12 are the newest residents of the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, Kansas, and the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska. In January, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service approved their relocation to the three facilities amid an outcry from conservationists. The zoos defended the transfer, saying the animals were set to be killed to make room for rhinos at the Swaziland facilities. The country is also undergoing a drought. "It escalated to a rescue mission last fall due to this state-of-emergency drought," said Gregg Hudson, president of Dallas Zoo. In exchange for the elephants, the three U.S. zoos will donate funds toward the rhino conservation efforts at Big Game Parks. The elephants' ages range from 6 to 25.

3 In Other News  miranda-hamilton-freestyle/index.html It's not every day the President of the United States plays back up to someone else -- let alone tells someone to "drop the beat" -- but that's just what happened in a video the White House posted on Monday evening. President Barack Obama flipped through cue cards as Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of Broadway musical sensation "Hamilton," freestyled in the Rose Garden. "Constitution, the POTUS, I'm freestylin'. You know this," Miranda raps as a straight-faced Obama passes signs to a steady drum beat. miranda-hamilton-freestyle/index.html miranda-hamilton-freestyle/index.html  The shiny object was just sitting there in the grass, waiting to be found. It was a 2,000-year-old gold coin with the face of a Roman emperor, so rare that only one other such coin is known to exist. Laurie Rimon discovered the gold coin while hiking in eastern Galilee recently, not far from the biblical site where it's written that Jesus walked on water and performed the miracle of the multiplication of the fish and bread. Rimon, from a kibbutz in northern Israel, turned it over to the Israel Antiquities Authority. It was her own little miracle.

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