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Do Now  If you have not already handed in your WebQuest packet, bring it to my desk.  Make sure your name is on it!

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now  If you have not already handed in your WebQuest packet, bring it to my desk.  Make sure your name is on it!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now  If you have not already handed in your WebQuest packet, bring it to my desk.  Make sure your name is on it!

2 Cellular Reproduction Chapter 9

3 9.1: Cellular Growth MAIN IDEA: Cells grow until they reach their size limit, then they either stop growing or divide.

4 Cell Size DON’T COPY  Most cells – only 100 micrometers in diameter  Why are they so small???  Do large or small cells perform tasks more efficiently?

5 Surface Area : Volume DON’T COPY  This ratio is extremely important to cells  To calculate for a cube: Surface area = ? Volume = ?

6 Surface Area : Volume DON’T COPY  Surface Area of cube = L x W x 6  Volume = L x W x H

7 Calculate SA:V ratio

8 Surface Area : Volume DON’T COPY  What happened to the ratio when the cells became larger?

9 Surface Area : Volume DON’T COPY  As cell grows, volume increases faster than surface area, so this ratio becomes smaller  LARGER ratio (smaller cells) – more beneficial to cells  Cell needs large surface area to get enough nutrients and expel wastes efficiently

10 Cell’s Life Cycle  Cells grow only so big; too big makes cell inefficient  If cell reaches size limit it: Stops growing OR Divides  When cells divide, they make an exact duplicate of themselves.  Result = 2 identical cells

11 Eukaryotes’ Cell Cycle  Cycle of cells growing and dividing  After 1 complete cycle, 1 cell becomes 2 cells  3 main parts: Interphase Division (Mitosis) Cytokinesis

12 Interphase  Cell spends most of its life in interphase  Called “resting” phase, but cell is chemically active Metabolism (chemical reactions) Preparation for division

13 3 Parts of Interphase

14 Interphase  G1: Cell grows, active metabolism, organelles duplicated  S: DNA replicated  G2: Has twice as much DNA as G1 phase cell, prepares for mitosis, triggers division and ends interphase


16 Mitosis (M) Phase  Mitosis – nucleus and nuclear material divide  Chromosomes can be seen under microscope  Divided into 4 sub-stages

17 Chromatin

18 Chromosomes

19 Cytokinesis  Cytokinesis - when cytoplasm divides

20 9.2: Mitosis and Cytokinesis MAIN IDEA: Eukaryotic cells reproduce by mitosis, the process of nuclear division, and cytokinesis, the process of cytoplasm division.

21 Mitosis  Nuclear division  Continuous process  Seen in stages  Result = 2 genetically identical daughter cells

22 Stages of Mitosis 1. Prophase 2. Metaphase 3. Anaphase 4. Telophase

23 Prophase  Pro = first  Chromatin coils, shortens, and thickens into chromosomes  Nuclear membrane starts to disappear


25 Prophase  Spindle fibers (microtubules) form in cytoskeleton, and chromosomes’ centromeres attach to fibers  Spindle apparatus = all microtubule fibers and centrioles (in animal cells)

26 Prophase

27 Metaphase  Meta = change  Pairs of chromosomes move to center of cell, along equator, perpendicular to spindle fibers

28 Anaphase  Ana = up  Chromatids separate, each pair moving to opposite ends of cell along spindle fibers

29 Telophase  Telo = end  Chromosomes reach opposite ends of the cells; new nuclear membrane starts forming to make 2 identical nuclei

30 Cytokinesis  Cytoplasm divides in half, duplicated organelles move apart

31 Plant and Animal Cells  Similar process of mitosis, but some differences  Animal cells have 2 centrioles  Plant cells form a cell plate during cytokinesis (preliminary cell wall); animal cells pinch across middle instead to separate


33 Prokaryotes  Binary fission  Chromosome replicates  Cell elongates  Membrane/wall forms in middle, dividing cell

34 Name the phase

35 9.3: Cell Cycle Regulation MAIN IDEA: The normal cell cycle is regulated by cyclin proteins.

36 Normal Cell Cycle  Timing and rate of cell cycle controlled by 2 substances: Cyclins – proteins Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) – enzymes that bind to cyclin  Different combinations signal different activities during the cell cycle


38 Activities Controlled by CDK/Cyclin:  Start of cell cycle  DNA replication  Protein synthesis  Nuclear division (mitosis)  End of cell cycle

39 Abnormal Cell Cycle: Cancer  Cells divide repeatedly and uncontrollably  No ability to stop the progression of division at checkpoints (which allow normal cells to stop dividing if something goes wrong)  Cancer cells overcrowd normal cells, stopping their normal function and killing the organism

40 Causes of Cancer  Changes/mutations in DNA affect proteins that control cell cycle  Carcinogens – substances or agents that cause cancer

41 What are Some Common Carcinogens?

42  Tobacco  Exposure to x-ray radiation  Exposure to UV radiation (from Sun)  Air pollution  Alcohol  Food with many preservatives

43 Genetics  Higher risk of mutations over time – so more likely for older people to develop cancer  Can run in families

44 Apoptosis  Programmed cell death  Occurs in development – webbing between fingers/toes  Occurs in plants losing leaves  Prevents damaged cells from dividing  Prevents cancer

45 Stem Cells  Unspecialized cells – specialize under right conditions  Embryonic – result shortly after fertilization; cells eventually specialize into tissues (controversial research)  Adult – always found in some tissues  Can be used to treat certain diseases/conditions

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