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Practice Accreditation Program Update – ASO Business Skills Expo 2016.

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1 Practice Accreditation Program Update – ASO Business Skills Expo 2016

2 Professional Standards Committee Members:  Dr Alex Hunyor (Snr) – Chair  Dr Richard Smith (NSW)  Dr Graham Hay-Smith (QLD)  Dr Robert Griffits (NSW)  Dr James Borthwick (NZ)  Dr Timothy Nolan (NSW)  Dr Michael Fisk (Practice Accreditation Only)  Ms Moira McInerney (NZ) Purpose:  To assist Fellows to develop non- clinical skills that are required by medical specialists, especially in regard to their roles as managers, health advocates, scholars, professionals, communicators, medical experts/clinical decision makers and collaborators.  This includes development and oversight of the practice accreditation program. Staff Contact:  Tanya Parsons, General Manager - Post-Vocational Education & Standards

3 What is Accreditation?  Independent recognition that an organisation, program, product or activity meets the requirements of defined criteria or standards.  Not only about medical care provided.  An assessment of all practice processes and concerns all practice staff, including non-medical staff.  Ongoing process of monitoring and review.

4 How are Standards set?  The National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards were developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC). The standards are: 1. Governance for safety and quality in health service organisations 2. Partnering with consumers 3. Preventing and controlling healthcare associated infections 4. Medication safety 5. Patient identification and procedure matching 6. Clinical handover 7. Blood and blood products* 8. Preventing and managing pressure injuries* 9. Recognising and responding to clinical deterioration in acute health care* 10. Preventing falls and harm from falls *Standards 7, 8 and 9 almost never apply to Ophthalmic practices

5 What are the Benefits?  Improved patient safety;  Increased efficiency;  Effective risk management;  Patient assurance that a high level of care is provided;  Development of staff skills and engagement of the practice team in continuous quality improvement;  Increased recognition within the community.

6 What is the Process?

7 How Long will it Take? Depends on:  Current practice operations;  Staff numbers;  Whether established operational systems are in place or not;  Whether practice staff have an understanding of accreditation and/or quality assurance processes.

8 Change Management Tips Rational Approach 1. Encourage dissatisfaction with the status quo; 2. Clearly articulate the change model; 3. Develop and execute the change plan; 4. Reduce resistance to change. Hughs, RL, Ginnett, RC & Curphy, GJ 2015, Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, 8th edn, McGraw Hill Education, New York, NY.

9 Practice Resources  A description of the steps required to achieve accreditation status;  A package of documents which can be used as templates;  A list of trusted consultants whom you may choose to employ to guide you through the process; and  A list of Fellows who have been through the process and who are prepared to offer their own time or that of their staff to help you along the way. All resources will be available for RANZCO members to use, even if the practice does not want to go through the accreditation process.

10 Practice Resources – for Patients

11 Program Progress  Preparation of resources has been completed.  QIP has reviewed all documents, put them through a test audit to ensure they meet the Standards, and provided feedback on the audit outcome and any required amendments.  Amendments have been made and the pilot has commenced, with twenty two practices participating.  It is anticipated that feedback from pilot practices will be analysed in September and October with the view to launch the program during Congress in November.

12 Thank You Questions?

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