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W HAT IS H EARING I MPAIRMENT AND THE BAHA? Brittany Rosener April 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "W HAT IS H EARING I MPAIRMENT AND THE BAHA? Brittany Rosener April 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 W HAT IS H EARING I MPAIRMENT AND THE BAHA? Brittany Rosener April 2016



4 W HAT IS HEARING LOSS ? Hearing impairment, deafness, or hearing loss refers to the inability to hear things, either totally or partially. It can be temporary or permanent. It can be unilateral, bilateral or asymmetrical Just one ear, both ears or different in each ear There are 3 types of hearing loss: conductive, sensorineural or mixed. There are 6 degrees (severity) of hearing loss: mild to profound.

5 T YPES OF H EARING L OSS Conductive hearing loss Temporary loss when the sound waves can’t get from the outer ear to the inner ear. Caused by fluid in the ears, ear infection, malformation of the outer/inner ear, etc. Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) Permanent loss when there is damage to the inner ear or nerve Ototoxic medications, heredity, genetics, and aging Mixed hearing loss Conductive loss causes SNHL to worsen

6 D EGREES OF H EARING L OSS 38332014000200007#back

7 W HAT IS IT LIKE ? Hearing loss simulation video Flintstones hearing loss (youtube)

8 H EARING A ID T YPES Behind the Ear Hearing Aids Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA)

9 BAHA: H OW IT W ORKS The BAHA: The processor (box) “catches the sound waves” and sends the waves through the bones in the skull by vibrating. The sound waves go through the cochlea which turns them into neural signals and sends them to the brain. The brain interprets the signals as sound or what we hear.

10 H OW D OES THE BAHA S OUND ? To experience what it is like to have the BAHA: cup your hands over your ears talk at a normal volume and listen to yourself (not others around you) the sound you hear seems to come from inside your head No, you're not crazy This is similar to how the BAHA sounds when being used

11 U SING T HE B AHA Check batteries 1. Turn on processor by pushing one of the outside buttons (on top) 2. Listen for a ding ding ding and feel for vibrations 3. If nothing happens then batteries need replaced Change batteries Take the little screwdriver and turn screw to the up position (half a turn to the left) Slide down and pop off (from bottom) Lift flap and take out battery Put in new battery

12 P ICTURE S TEPS FOR R EPLACING B ATTERY Unlock by turning screw half turn to left Lock by turning screw half turn to right

13 A FTER B ATTERY C HANGE Replace cover and turn screw to lock Check batteries again Place band on head with processors behind the ears Ling 6 sound test Have child repeat each sound back to you m, ah, ee, oo, sh, s Watch child’s body language/reaction to you talking You will be able to tell when they can hear you

14 FM S YSTEM OR B LUE T OOTH M ICROPHONE Your classroom will have an FM system in the room with a personal microphone. Similar to the idea of surround sound or loud speaker. Everyone in room can hear. Supplied by district BAHA also has a blue tooth system Personal (only wearer of BAHA can hear it) Speaker talks into microphone and the sound is carried via blue tooth to the processor

15 A NY Q UESTIONS ? Thank you for your time.

16 R EFERENCES Nordqvist, Christian. "Deafness and Hearing Loss: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments." Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, 10 Apr. 2015. Web. 15 Apr. 2016. basics/baha-4-basics/ 38332014000200007#back/

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