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 EDU 620:Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology  Dr Kirgan.

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Presentation on theme: " EDU 620:Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology  Dr Kirgan."— Presentation transcript:

1  EDU 620:Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology  Dr Kirgan

2 Impacts of the Technology Act on the field of education

3  The Tech Act is intended to promote people’s awareness of, and access to, assistive technology (AT) devices and services. The Act seeks to provide AT to persons with disabilities, so they can more fully participate in education, employment, and daily activities on a level playing field with other members of their communities.

4  The Act covers people with disabilities of all ages, all disabilities, in all environments (early intervention, K-12, post- secondary, vocational rehabilitation, community living, aging services, etc.). ( National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. 2009)

5  The Assistive Technology Act impacts classroom teachers by forcing them to consider assistive technology when working with students and developing their education plans. This is required as part of the IEP process, but can also be done to solve problems that develop within the classroom.  (National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. (2009). Assistive Technology Act. Retrieved from Technology Act

6  In order to accomplish this, it is important for teachers to take into account each individual student and what they will be working towards achieving. (Gromisch, E. S. & Reinhard Neas, L. M. Ed. 2012).

7  While technology has become more important in people's everyday lives, it has always been a useful tool to help students with disabilities reach their educational goals and function in required settings

8  As technology has come to play an increasingly important role in the lives of all persons in the United States, in the conduct of business, in the functioning of government, in the fostering of communication, in the conduct of commerce, and in the provision of education, its impact upon the lives of the more than 50,000,000 individuals with disabilities in the United States has been comparable to its impact upon the remainder of the citizens of the United States.

9 Continue

10 What influences that act is having on students with disabilities?

11 Continue

12 My Position

13 Education

14 Employment

15 Daily Activities and Community

16 How will Assistive Technology Act will impact teaching and learning



19  Assistive technology in Education is increasingly becoming available for student with special needs and assist students with out special needs in all learning aspects of the learning experience.  The Assistive Technology Act has been very beneficial to students with disabilities to empower all aspects of their learning experience.

20  Gromisch, E. S. & Reinhard Neas, L. M. (Ed.). (2012). Special education: A guide to technology options. Bright Hub Education. Retrieved from strategies/125659-a-teachers-guide-to-assistive-technologies-in-the- classroom/?cid=parsely_recSpecial education: A guide to technology options  National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. (2009). Assistive Technology Act. Retrieved from Technology Act  South Carolina Assistive Technology Program. (2012). SC curriculum access through AT. Retrieved from curriculum access through AT

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