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Practice sheet: 5.A. 1. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND ME? [Can you understand me?]

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Presentation on theme: "Practice sheet: 5.A. 1. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND ME? [Can you understand me?]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practice sheet: 5.A

2 1. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND ME? [Can you understand me?]

3 Sign: CAN meaning ”able” double motion = “possible”

4 Sign: “CAN” meaning “cylindrical metal container ” also used for “cup”

5 Sign: FAVORITE Can mean “prefer” “RED BLUE WHICH FAVOR YOU?” (wh-q) Can mean “favor” “FOR-ME YOU-MIND FAVOR?” (y/n-q)

6 Sign: CAR Sign smaller to use as a noun: “YOU HAVE CAR YOU?” Sign larger to use as a verb “YOU LIKE DRIVE?”

7 2. NAME YOUR FAVORITE CAR (Wh-Q) [What is your favorite car?]

8 Sign: CHURCH

9 Sign: WALK-TO (Uses a classifier “V”) CL:V Sign: WALK Inflect: “Walk carefully” Inflect: “Walk in a carefree manner”

10 3. YOU WALK-TO CHURCH? [Do you walk to church?]

11 4. YOUR MOM NURSE? [Is your mom a nurse?]

12 5. YOUR GRANDMA GIVE YOU WRISTWATCH? [Did your grandmother give you a watch?]

13 6. YOUR FAVORITE INTERNET S-I-T-E WHAT? [What is your favorite Internet site?]

14 7. WHAT YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE? [What is your favorite movie?]

15 8. YOU HAVE FAVORITE CHAIR? [Do you have a favorite chair?]

16 9. YOU WANT GO STORE? [Do you want to go to the store?]

17 10. YOU LIKE SIGN WITH DEAF? [Do you like signing with a Deaf person?]














31 Do the practice sheet. If the first partner gets done, have the second partner sign it. If you both get done, practice fingerspelling and vocabulary. One partner spells a previously learned vocabulary word, the other signs it back. SUGGEESTED PRACTICE WORDS: ANGRY, AUNT, UNCLE, BABY [son, daughter], BEDROOM-[box, room], BRUSH-TEETH, CRY, EXCUSE-[lay-off/pardon/release/], FEEL, FRIEND- [good-friend, boy-friend, girl-friend], HAPPY, HELP, HURT [pain, injury], IDEA-[SUPPOSE, if], LOVE, SAD, SORRY- [apologize, regret], STOP, WANT-[don't-want, desire], WASH, CL:V-[STAND, walk-to, lay down, toss-and-turn, dive, jump, skate board, scooter, get- up] If you get done with the practice sheet and the above vocabulary review, inform your teacher. NOTE: Most people will not finish before I move on to the next section. That is OKAY! Just work at your own speed.

32 Practice Sheet 5.B

33 1. CAN YOU DRIVE? [Can you drive?]

34 2. YOU DRIVE HERE FROM HOME? [Did you drive here from home?]

35 3. HOW-MANY COMPUTER YOU HAVE? [How many computers do you have?]

36 4. YOU NEED GO DOCTOR? [Do you need to go to a doctor?]

37 5. YOU HAVE EMAIL YOUR HOME? [Do you have e-mail access at home?]

38 6. WHERE YOUR HOME? [Where is your home?]

39 7. YOU LIKE PLAY OUTSIDE? [Do you like to play outside?]

40 8. YOU FEEL ANXIOUS? [Are you feeling anxious?]

41 9. YOUR FAVORITE STORE WHAT? [What is your favorite store?]

42 10. YOU LIKE SIGN WITH FRIEND? [Do you like signing with a friend?]

43 CAN


45 COMPUTER Different ways: 1. 2. 3.

46 DOCTOR Different ways: 1. 2.



49 OUTSIDE Different ways: 1. 2.


51 9. STORE


53 Do the practice sheet. If the first partner gets done, have the second partner sign it. If you both get done, practice fingerspelling and vocabulary. One partner spells a previously learned vocabulary word, the other signs it back. SUGGEESTED PRACTICE WORDS: ALL-[#ALL, whole], ASK-[ask-to, inquire, request], BAD/GOOD-[better, best], BATHROOM-[toilet, restroom], BIG/[SMALL], COME/[GO]-[come on, go-there, go-to, attend], FAMILY-[class, group, team, category, cluster], FAVORITE-[prefer], FINE/[COOL, swell], FROM, HERE, HOUSE/CITY, LIKE, MORE, NEED-[must, have-to, should, ought-to], SCHOOL-[academic], SO-SO-[maybe, sort-of], THINK-[brain, mind. think-about, wonder], RAISED-[grow- up], [Negation: not, don't] [ 3.*] If you get done with the practice sheet and the above vocabulary review, inform your teacher.

54 Practice sentences: 5.C

55 1. CAN YOU F-I-X COMPUTER? [Can you fix computers?]

56 2. YOU LIKE DRIVE? [Do you like driving?]

57 3. YOU DRIVE-TO CHURCH? [Do you drive to church?]

58 4. YOU LIKE EMAIL? [Do you like using email?]

59 5. YOU WANT GO HOME? [Do you want to go home?]

60 6. YOU WANT GO OUTSIDE? [Do you want to go outside?]

61 7. YOU LIKE PLAY C-H-E-S-S? [Do you like to play chess?]

62 8. YOU THINK TEACHER NEED STAND? [Do you think teachers should stand]

63 9. YOU HAVE MANY VIDEO INDEX-(point off to side) HOME? [Do you have many videos at home?]

64 10. ALL YOUR FRIEND SIGN? [Do all of your friends sign?]


66 PLAY Related signs: 1. PARTY (two signs) a. initialized version b. use the sign for PLAY 2. TOYS (initialized version of PLAY)


68 VIDEO videotape: video-record

69 FRIEND Different ways: 1. friend 2. good-friend

70 Do the practice sheet. If the first partner gets done, have the second partner sign it. If you both get done, practice fingerspelling and vocabulary. One partner spells a previously learned vocabulary word, the other signs it back. SUGGEESTED PRACTICE WORDS: BROTHER-[boy, male, man, same, right], CHILD-[short, children], DAD-[parents] [grandpa], DIVORCE, HEY, HOW, HOW-MANY-[MANY], LIVE-[life, address], MARRIAGE- [husband, wife, marry, married, spouse], MOM [grandma], SINGLE-[alone, something, someone, JUST, ONLY, SOMETHING], SISTER [girl, female], SLOW, SPELL- [fingerspell], WORK, Possession: [have, own, her, his, its, mine, my, our, their, your, yours], GIRL-[woman, lady], BOY-[male, man] [ 2.*] If you get done with the practice sheet and the above vocabulary review, inform your teacher.

71 Practice Sentences: 5.D

72 1. CAN YOU SPELL HIS/HER NAME? [Can you spell his (or her) name?]

73 2. YOU DRIVE SLOW? [Do you drive slowly?]

74 3. ALL YOUR FRIEND HAVE COMPUTER? [Do all your friends have a computer?]

75 4. YOUR DAD GIVE-YOU COMPUTER? [Did your dad give you a computer?]

76 5. YOU HAVE INTERNET INDEX- (point off to the side) HOME? [Do you have Internet access at home?]

77 6. YOU LIKE GO MOVIES? [Do you like going to the movies?]

78 7. YOU THINK CHILDREN SHOULD PUT-(away) THEIR TOYS? [Do you think children should put away their toys?]

79 8. YOU LIKE STAY HOME WATCH VIDEO? [Do you like to stay home and watch a video?]

80 9. YOU WALK-TO SCHOOL? [Do you walk to school?]

81 10. YOU LIVE WITH YOUR MOM-DAD? [Do you live with your parents?]

82 Do the practice sheet. If the first partner gets done, have the second partner sign it. If you both get done, practice fingerspelling and vocabulary. One partner spells a previously learned vocabulary word, the other signs it back. SUGGEESTED PRACTICE WORDS: AGAIN-[repeat], DEAF, HEARING-[speak, say], WHAT (huh?), LEARN, LIKE, MEET-[meet-you], NAME-[called], NICE-[clean], PLEASE, MEAN-(meaning)-[what is the meaning of, purpose], SIGN-[sign language, signing], STUDENT (learn), TEACHER [teach, agent]-[-er]- [professor, educate], THANK-YOU [good], UNDERSTAND, WHERE, WHO, WHY, Pronominalization and Indexing: [it, he, me, she, him, her, this, you], Indexing/plural sweep: [them, they, those, us, we, you-all, that], Affirmation/Negation: YES/NO [ 1.*] If you get done with the practice sheet and the above vocabulary review, inform your teacher.

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