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Psych Memory Test Review TEST DATE – THURSDAY APRIL 18TH.

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1 Psych Memory Test Review TEST DATE – THURSDAY APRIL 18TH

2 TERMS:  Be able to define the following:  Memory  Encoding  Storage  Retrieval PEOPLE:  Patient HM  Patient AJ  Herman Ebbinghaus  Cotton and Thompson  Elizabeth Loftus

3 Memory ENCODE STORE RETRIEVE Like a computer, human memory has been characterized as an information processing system that has three separate stages

4 Three- Box Model  Sensory Memory  Short Term Memory  Long Term Memory  What occurs at each stage?  How long are memories stored for in each area?

5 Types of LTM Memory  Episodic – memory of specific episodes  What you had for breakfast  Sematic – general information about the world  What “breakfast” means  Declarative – things you can recall and tell  “knowing that”  Procedural - skills  “knowing how” See Textbook Reading

6 Areas of The Brain See Photocopy of Brain

7 Why Do We Forget  5 Theories:  Decay  Interference  Replacement  Cue-Dependent  Repression  7 Sins:  Transcience  Bias  Absent Mindedness  Etc. Study Practice Sheet!!!

8 Eye Witness Testimony  Loftus “the form of the question is important”  Factors affecting eye witness testimonies  Recognition Memory – what did they talk about in video?  Know the case of Ronald Cotton and Jennifer Thompson

9 Sample Questions 1.What theory explains the fact that even if we don’t swim for 20 years we still remember? 2.What stage can memory loss occur at? 3.Who first studied memory? What did he find? What is he famous for? 4.How much can we store in STM? How can you beat this limitation? 5.How do we store things in LTM (i.e. how can we improve memory, avoid forgetting). 6.What made Jennifer Thompson believe she did not know Pool when seeing him years after the rape? 7.What are 10 techniques to enhancing our memories?

10 8.Why does rapid forgetting occur at the sensory stage? 9.What might be an explanation for patient AJ’s excellent memory? 10.Provide an example of what chunking is? At what stage does chunking occur? 11.What is the capacity of long-term memory? 12.If you are watching a movie and you don’t notice the gaps between frames – things seem smooth – what memory accounts for this? 13.The ability to repeat memorized material in the exact order that it was learned or presented (phone number) is an example of what? 14.When learning a new language it is likely that we will use this type of memorization.

11 Answers

12 Sample Questions 1.What theory explains the fact that even if we don’t swim for 20 years we still remember?  Procedural memory – motor skills 2.What stage can memory loss occur at?  Any stage 3.Who first studied memory? What did he find? What is he famous for?  Herman Ebbinghaus, used non-sense syllables, noticed rapid forgetting, the learning curve 4.How much can we store in STM? How can you beat this limitation?  7 plus/minus  Can beat this by rehearsal, chunking, coding, mnemonic devices, etc. 5.How do we store things in LTM (i.e. how can we improve memory, avoid forgetting).  Retrieval pathways via Elaborative rehearsal, maintenance rehearsal, spaced practice 6.What made Jennifer Thompson believe she did not know Pool when seeing him years after the rape? 7.What are 10 techniques to enhancing our memories?

13 8.Why does rapid forgetting occur at the sensory stage?  Our senses bring in all sorts in information, everything around us, we keep what we need 9.What might be an explanation for patient AJ’s excellent memory?  Excessive elaborative rehearsal (always writing and reading in diaries)  Does this explain it all…NO! 10.Provide an example of what chunking is? At what stage does chunking occur?  Dots 11.What is the capacity of long-term memory?  Limitless 12.If you are watching a movie and you don’t notice the gaps between frames – things seem smooth – what memory accounts for this?  Sensory Memory

14 13.The ability to repeat memorized material in the exact order that it was learned or presented (phone number) is an example of what?  Serial Learning 14.When learning a new language it is likely that we will use this type of memorization.  Paired-Associate Learning

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