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1 e-Assessment Acceptance & Usage 2005-2006 Geoff Chapman Thomson Prometric.

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1 1 e-Assessment Acceptance & Usage 2005-2006 Geoff Chapman Thomson Prometric

2 Overview The UK e-Assessment market Compare 2005 with 2006 Measure industry change in acceptance and usage Document new emergent issues

3 Thomson Prometric Methodology Qualitative (face-to-face) interviews Document key and emergent issues Formulate quantitative study Quantitative (telephone) interviews Compare and contrast with 2005

4 Thomson Prometric The 2006 market position 38% of ABs surveyed are delivering e-assessment in some form 33% of the remaining 62% are developing or piloting 70% believe e-Assessment will deliver a Return on Investment 72% believe QCA vision of full implementation by 2009 is not achievable –11% believe their entire program will be delivered through e-assessment

5 Thomson Prometric Industry issues Candidate satisfaction Candidate identity & eligibility authentication Value of multiple-choice at higher levels of assessment ‘Test When Ready’ versus Fixed Testing Windows Use of psychometrics in developing item banks & data management

6 Thomson Prometric Advantages of e-Assessment 2005-2006 Q. What are the three main advantages or benefits of using e-Assessment, in your opinion, overall? Base: 87 (2005), 93 (2006)

7 Thomson Prometric Disadvantages of e-Assessment 2005-2006 Q. What are the three main disadvantages of using e-Assessment, in your opinion, overall? Base: 87 (2005), 93 (2006)

8 Thomson Prometric Q. What risks do you associate with the introduction of e-Assessment, if any? E-Assessment risks 2005 - 2006 Base: 87 (2005), 93 (2006)

9 Thomson Prometric E-Assessment Importance Factors 2005-2006 Base: 87 (2005), 93 (2006) Q. On a scale of 1-10 where 10 is extremely important and 1 is not important at all, how important are each of the following factors to you in relation to e-Assessment?

10 Thomson Prometric Driving Uptake 2005-2006 Q. Across the assessment industry, what do you believe to be the top three factors currently driving the uptake of e-Assessment? Base: 87 (2005), 93 (2006)

11 Thomson Prometric Suitability of Multiple Choice – higher learning Responses from the remaining 48% are opposite Q. Do you believe that MCQs are suitable for higher level learning? 52% of respondents believed that MCQ’s are suitable for use in higher level learning Base: 93

12 Thomson Prometric Suitability of Multiple Choice – high stakes exams Q. Do you believe that MCQs are suitable for high stakes exams? 54% of respondents believed that MCQs are suitable for use in high stakes exams Base: 93 Responses from the remaining 46% are opposite

13 Thomson Prometric Use of Psychometrics Q. What do you understand to be the implications or advantages of using psychometrics to develop exam questions? Base: 93

14 Thomson Prometric Return on Investment Q. Do you believe that e-Assessment will deliver a Return on Investment? Yes70% No7% Don’t know23% Q. If yes, when do you believe you will, or did you, see ROI? Base: 93Base: 65

15 Thomson Prometric The Future – view from 2005 vs. 2006 Q. Approximately what percentage of your assessment programme do you realistically expect to be e-Assessment by 2009? Base: 87 (2005), 93 (2006)

16 Thomson Prometric Summary Acceptance & usage grown at a substantial rate since 2005 Strong confidence in e-Assessment being able to deliver ROI MCQs suitability at higher levels more widely accepted Emergent usage of psychometrics Needs of candidates/learners remain at the forefront Copies of the research are available on the Thomson Prometric stand or download at or

17 17 Acceptance & Usage - e-Assessment in 2006 Geoff Chapman Thomson Prometric

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