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For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. SIMPLIFIED UNDERWRITING Individual Disability Insurance (IDI) The fastest way to write.

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Presentation on theme: "For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. SIMPLIFIED UNDERWRITING Individual Disability Insurance (IDI) The fastest way to write."— Presentation transcript:

1 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. SIMPLIFIED UNDERWRITING Individual Disability Insurance (IDI) The fastest way to write IDI business

2 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. Close business faster Features Eliminates routine medical requirements Reduces need for financial verification Accelerates underwriting timing Available products Disability Income (DI) Overhead Expense (OE) Disability Buy-Out (DBO) SIMPLIFIED UNDERWRITING DI Retirement Security often uses streamlined underwriting, too.

3 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. Key details No routine medical requirements: No blood, urine, exams, EKGs or APSs. 2 No financial verification for incomes under $150,000 for Individual DI insurance. 3 Financials for OE and DBO: OE and DBO supplements. Available to all occupation classes, in all states All riders available 1 Full commissions TeleApp required Accelerated timing 1 – All riders subject to Principal Life’s standard underwriting guidelines. 2 – Unless a significant medical condition is reported by MIB, significant medical information is obtained from the TeleApp or other available information, or any other disability coverage has been issued or applied for on a non-medical basis. Prescription history check may be required for physicians. Applications could be rated, ridered or declined based on all underwriting information available; this is not a guaranteed issue program. Urine/HIV test is required in Maine. Subject to Issue & Participation limits and minimum premium requirement. 3 - Financial documentation may be required for certain occupations regardless of income earned.

4 Individual DI Insurance 1 – State availability guidelines apply. | 2 - Not all discounts can be stacked together. | 3 – Not approved in all states; not available in California. State approval information is available at | 4 - The MNSA rider is required for single-life policies in CA, FL, LA, and NV. It is not available for single-life cases in any other states except when elected through association cases or when certain riders are placed on a policy for select occupations. For multi-life cases, the rider is required in CA and optional in all other states. The rider is not available in VT. The discount amount varies in TX. This rider is always required when using the Core Value Income Protection sales program. For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. FEATUREISSUE GUIDELINES Maximum BenefitSingle-life: $4,000/month | Multi-life: $6,000/month Maximum Issue AgeSingle-life: 50 | Multi-life: 64 Elimination PeriodsAll 1 Benefit PeriodsAll Your Occupation PeriodsAll 1 RatesSex distinct (Unisex in Montana) Discounts 2 20% Multi-Life, 10% Select Occupation, 10% Association, 10% Affiliation 3, Up to 10% MNSA 4 SIMPLIFIED UNDERWRITING Protects a client’s ability to work and earn an income

5 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. Overhead Expense Insurance FEATUREISSUE GUIDELINES Maximum Benefit$10,000/month 1 Maximum Issue Age50 (Single and Multi-Life) Elimination PeriodsAll Benefit FactorsAll Your Occupation PeriodsAll RatesSex distinct (Unisex in MT and CA) Discounts 2 20% Multi-Life, 10% Select Occupation, 10% Association 3 1 - Combined Simplified OE and Simplified DI benefits cannot exceed $10,000/month 2 - Not all discounts can be stacked together. 3 - Association Discount not available for OE insurance in California SIMPLIFIED UNDERWRITING Reimburses business owners for covered business expenses.

6 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. Disability Buy-Out Insurance FEATUREISSUE GUIDELINES Maximum Benefit$360,000 aggregate Maximum Issue Age50 (Single and Multi-Life) Elimination PeriodsAll Benefit FactorsAll RatesSex distinct (Unisex in MT and CA) Discounts 1 20% Multi-Life, 10% Select Occupation, 10% Association 2 1 - Not all discounts can be stacked together. 2 - Association Discount not available for OE insurance in California SIMPLIFIED UNDERWRITING Funds a buy-sell agreement to purchase a disabled business owner’s interest.

7 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. Growth potential Allows clients to purchase increased benefit amounts every 3 years without proof of medical insurability. Advance update options are available. No-cost rider 1 DI, OE and DBO Increases: Amendment to the policy BENEFIT UPDATE RIDER 1 – Availability subject to underwriting guidelines.

8 For Producer Information Only - Not for Client Presentation What is it? 15-minute confidential phone interview In-house counselors ask Part B insurability questions Advantages Fewer labs and APSs needed Clients answer insurability questions just once Interviews can be conducted before other parts of the application are submitted About TeleApp TELEAPP 888-TeleApp (888-835-3277)

9 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. Submitting business with Simplified 1 Complete Parts A and C of the application and any required forms 2 Obtain appropriate signatures 3 Schedule a TeleApp Interview. (888-TeleApp) 4 Submit the completed application


11 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. Cover a major expense MORTGAGE STUDENT LOANS

12 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. Offer an employee benefit Supplement LTD or stand-alone Voluntary or employer-paid Easy application process

13 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. Protect against a triple threat 1.Personal income 2.Business operations 3.Business investment

14 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. It’s affordable DIOEDBO BENEFIT$4,000/month$10,000/month360,000 lump sum MALE$108$52$135 FEMALE$183$79$192 SAMPLE MONTHLY PREMIUMS Assumptions: Michigan resident, age 35, non-tobacco, 5Aoccupation class. DI: HH750 policy, 90-day elimination period, to age 65 Your Occupation and Your Benefit period, Residual Disability and Recovery Benefit rider. OE: 12-month Benefit Factor, 90-day elimination period, Residual Disability Benefit rider. DBO: 365-day elimination period, lump sum benefit.

15 For producer information only. Not for use in sales situations. While this communication may be used to promote or market a transaction or an idea that is discussed in the publication, it is intended to provide general information about the subject matter covered and is provided with the understanding that The Principal® is not rendering legal, accounting, or tax advice. It is not a marketed opinion and may not be used to avoid penalties under the Internal Revenue Code. You should consult with appropriate counsel or other advisors on all matters pertaining to legal, tax, or accounting obligations and requirements. Disability Insurance has limitations and exclusions. For costs and complete details of coverage, contact your Principal Life Financial Representative. Insurance issued by Principal Life Insurance Company. Principal Life is a member company of the Principal Financial Group ®, Des Moines, IA 50392. DI9184 | 12/2014 | © 2014 Principal Financial Services, Inc. Questions? No part of this presentation may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the Principal Financial Group ®.

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