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College of Innovative Eurasian University Specialty 0515000“Menegement”

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1 College of Innovative Eurasian University Specialty 0515000“Menegement”

2 Choose your career Choosing the sphere of "Management", you can not go wrong: the most prestigious and highly paid profession here and despite all the talk about the oversaturation of the market economists, financial sector is still in first place on demand.

3 Where can you work? Personnel departments of enterprises; -Administrative units of management; Advertising agencies (Advertising Manager) Production Specialist - sales divisions Production Specialist - sales divisions

4 Who will you be able to work? Advertising manager Personnel manager Sales manager

5 I’m a manager supervisor or manager is responsible for a certain area of ​​ activity of the enterprise (personnel manager, investment) manager, Public Relations

6 Specialty 0515000“Menegement” Мы менеджеры-менеджеры, Мы управленцы – сто процентов, И через год примерим лавры Директоров и президентов. Из года в год учебной жизни Меня не покидает чувство, Что менеджмент – не управление, Менеджмент – это искусство

7 Passing scores: Вас ждет успех! 30 after 20 after the 11 th grade the 9 th grade

8 Terms of training: On the basis of basic education - 2 years 10 months On the basis of general secondary education - 1 year 10 months 1 года 10 месяцев Full- time students: На заочном отделении

9 List of required documents: -The original document on education -Medical certificate form number 086 - A copy of the vaccination sheet -6 photos 3x4 Certificate with the results of UNT complex testing (optional entrant) A copy of the identity document (identity card, birth certificate). Original presented in person

10 Acceptanc of applications For full-time training from June 20 to August 20 For distance learning from June 20 to September 20 На дневную форму обучения с 1 августа по 28 августа На заочную форму обучения с 1 августа по 25 сентября Entrance Exams

11 We help you to become successful! College of Innovative University of Eurasia

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