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Good Morning! 1.Warm-Up: Review Parliament Speeches (Docs B and C) 2.Professor Gronewold (Document D) 3.Opium War Concluding Discussion Essential Question:

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning! 1.Warm-Up: Review Parliament Speeches (Docs B and C) 2.Professor Gronewold (Document D) 3.Opium War Concluding Discussion Essential Question:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning! 1.Warm-Up: Review Parliament Speeches (Docs B and C) 2.Professor Gronewold (Document D) 3.Opium War Concluding Discussion Essential Question: Why did Great Britain fight the Opium War?

2 Opium War Document B Source: Thomas Macaulay, Secretary of War for Britain (England) Claim: China is to blame! – China is killing innocent English people! – China treats the British women and children harshly – China couldn’t carry out their ban because the CHINESE were breaking their own laws! Motive: Political, fighting to save the British people in China – “British in Canton were taken prisoner whether they were suspected or not” Flag: represents hope, British people are being freed, we are at home, we are safe Document C Source: William Gladstone, British person, reliable and good person because gets elected leader Claim: Britain is to blame! – British government refused to give the order to abandon the opium trade – China warned Britain – China had good reason to drive the British away Motive: Economic motive, fighting for their profit – “We’ll stand only for GREED and disgrace.” Flag: Flag stands for justice, respect and honor. But if we fight, it will only stand for greed and disgrace

3 Opium War Debrief Knowing that Great Britain did fight the first Opium War against China, why do you think Parliament found Macaulay’s (Document B) speech more convincing than Gladstone’s (Document C) Based on THESE SPEECHES, why do you think Great Britain fought the Opium War? – Great Britain fought the Opium War because _____________________________________

4 Opium War Claims Great Britain fought the Opium War because of power and wealth that it created for itself in China Britain wanted to save the British people in China, and on the other hand they wanted to keep selling the drug to China, and the most important thing is they finally find a good reason to conquer China. Britain can use opium to control China so they have more power for their military. Great Britain fought the opium war because they wanted to manipulate people with drugs. Great Britain fought the Opium War because they only cared about whats good for them and how they can improve their economy, and don’t care about China and don’t want their civilians to die in China

5 Professor Gronewold (Document D) Words we don’t know Consumption: gaining more of it, taking it into yourself In spite: despite, even though Usage: when you are using something Bribed: paying illegally Smuggling: bring something in a hidden or secret way Schemes: plans Main Ideas Britain tried to sell products to China but China refused to buy British became a nation of tea drinkers and started buying Chinese tea

6 Four Corners “There is no war more unjust in its cause or more certain to cover this country with permanent disgrace.”--William Gladstone, on the First Opium War – Strongly Agree: The war was a disgrace and Britain had NO justification for fighting it – Somewhat Agree: Britain had some reasons for fighting the war, but the reasons simply weren’t good enough – Strongly Disagree: Britain was completely justified in fighting the war and it is unfair to judge them – Somewhat Disagree: The war looks bad, but when you look deeper Britain did have a reason.

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