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Albuquerque Public Schools FY2016 Proposed Budget APS & APS Charter Schools Finance Committee 5-18-15 Don Moya, Chief Financial Officer Debora Warren,

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Presentation on theme: "Albuquerque Public Schools FY2016 Proposed Budget APS & APS Charter Schools Finance Committee 5-18-15 Don Moya, Chief Financial Officer Debora Warren,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Albuquerque Public Schools FY2016 Proposed Budget APS & APS Charter Schools Finance Committee 5-18-15 Don Moya, Chief Financial Officer Debora Warren, Executive Director Budget & Strategic Planning 1

2 2 Total Budget is $1,317.3 Billion, including Enterprise Funds.


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6 FY16 Operational Budget Development Assumptions Provide a minimum tier pay of $34,000 for teachers and other staff classified as level one on the tier salary schedule. Cover the rule change to allow certified staff on the tier salary schedules to advance to the next level without completing the dossier process. Cover the increased cost for utilities, waste management and fuel. Set aside contingency funds to assist with the new scheduling process and other initiatives or program changes. 6

7 EXPENDITURE TREND 7 The FY16 budget of $652M is a decrease of $2M from the FY15 budget of $654M. Decreases were driven by a reduction in FTE.

8 OPERATING SURPLUS (SHORTFALL) TREND 8 The FY15 budget includes a shortfall of $6.5M. It is anticipated that the shortfall will be mitigated by the end of this fiscal year. In FY16, the budget includes the use of $6.0M in cash reserves to offset the difference between anticipated revenues and expenditures. As in years past, it is highly likely that the projected shortfall will be mitigated by the end of next fiscal year.

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17 2015-2016 Budget Resolution 17 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Albuquerque Public Schools, subject to any technical adjustments by APS and the Public Education Department and approval by the Public Education Department of the State of New Mexico, that the amounts shown in the following schedule be appropriated to each fund as specified for the ensuing fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2016.

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