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Edward C. Jordan Memorial Offering of the First Course under the Indo-US Inter-University Collaborative Initiative in Higher Education and Research: Electromagnetics.

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Presentation on theme: "Edward C. Jordan Memorial Offering of the First Course under the Indo-US Inter-University Collaborative Initiative in Higher Education and Research: Electromagnetics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edward C. Jordan Memorial Offering of the First Course under the Indo-US Inter-University Collaborative Initiative in Higher Education and Research: Electromagnetics for Electrical and Computer Engineering by Nannapaneni Narayana Rao Edward C. Jordan Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois, USA Amrita Viswa Vidya Peetham, Coimbatore July 10 – August 11, 2006

2 5.1 Gradient, Laplacian, and the Potential Functions

3 5.1-2 Gradient and the Potential Functions

4 5.1-3 B can be expressed as the curl of a vector. Thus A is known as the magnetic vector potential. Then

5 5.1-4  is known as the electric scalar potential. is the gradient of 

6 5.1-5

7 5.1-6 Basic definition of From this, we get

8 5.1-7 Potential function equations

9 5.1-8 Laplacian of scalar Laplacian of vector In Cartesian coordinates,

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