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The retarded potentials LL2 Section 62. Potentials for arbitrarily moving charges 2 nd pair of Maxwell’s equations (30.2) in 4-D.

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Presentation on theme: "The retarded potentials LL2 Section 62. Potentials for arbitrarily moving charges 2 nd pair of Maxwell’s equations (30.2) in 4-D."— Presentation transcript:

1 The retarded potentials LL2 Section 62

2 Potentials for arbitrarily moving charges 2 nd pair of Maxwell’s equations (30.2) in 4-D

3 Choose the Lorentz gauge (46.9) Equation for potentials of arbitrary field

4 3D form Space Components: Time Components: If fields are constant, we get Poisson equations (36.4) & (43.4) If there are no charges, we get the homogeneous wave equation (46.7) d’Alembertian operator

5 Solution to inhomogeneous equation = solution to homogeneous equation + particular solution Recipe 1.Divide space into infinitesimal volume elements 2.Find field due to charges in each element 3.The total field is the linear superposition of the fields from all elements

6 de is generally time dependent. Source point Field point

7 Put the origin inside dV. Then… Field point

8 Equation for the scalar potential Everywhere but at the origin we have The problem is centrally symmetric

9 Use spherical coordinates Away from the origin Trial solution (HW) 1D wave equation

10 Solutions to the 1D wave equation are of the form Allow outgoing waves only (Holds everywhere except the origin.) Substitute this combination of R and t into the trial solution

11 Now determine  to match the potential at the origin  increases more rapidly than Neglect the time derivative We already know the solution to this from Coulomb’s law (36.9) as R goes to zero.


13 For an arbitrary distribution of charge, set de =  dV and integrate Particular solution Solution to the homogeneous equation Retarded time

14 Field point  is evaluated at the retarded time t-(R/c) Prime omitted Shorthand expression Note that the integration variable r’ is buried in R in two places.

15 Same method for vector potential Retarded potential Solution of homogeneous equation

16 If charges are stationary, scalar potential should reduce to usual result (36.8) for constant E-field If currents are stationary, vector potential should reduce to usual result (43.5) for constant H-field t = + A 0 + 0+ 0

17 Homogeneous solutions  0 and A 0 are determined by initial conditions or by constant boundary conditions Example: Scattering Incident radiation from outside is determined by  0 and A 0 Scattered radiation is determined by retarded potentials

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