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Care Givers; Take Care Principles and Practices for Balancing Work, Life and Family Caregiving.

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Presentation on theme: "Care Givers; Take Care Principles and Practices for Balancing Work, Life and Family Caregiving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Care Givers; Take Care Principles and Practices for Balancing Work, Life and Family Caregiving

2 “The purpose of this presentation is to inspire, enable and empower you to take better self care - without sacrifice, burden, or guilt - in order to better care for others while leading a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.”


4 The number of American workers who consider stress to be a major problem in their lives has more than doubled during the past ten years. Too many healthcare workers are feeling over-stressed, overwhelmed, over-tired and burned out.

5 The number of workers with eldercare responsibilities is rising dramatically. More than 40% of US workers have provided care for an aging relative or friend in the past five years.

6 About half of the entire workforce should expect to be providing eldercare in the coming five years!

7 What do the results tell us?

8 What’s your caregiving story? How have you been impacted by the caregiving experience? What if anything, have you done to prepare?

9 What are you doing – NOW – to take better care of yourself, physically, emotionally or spiritually? Where do you need to improve? What support or resources do you need?

10 Personal Impacts Feeling overwhelmed, guilty, depressed, or stressed Feelings of resentment, anger, frustration, with loved ones, siblings Feeling alone, isolated, burdened. Feelings of fear, terror, avoidance around death and dying. Feelings of uncertainty and the unknown. Unhealthy habits- Internalizing negative feelings, drinking too much, self medicating, shutting down, becoming a martyr. Physical exhaustion, lack of sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise, not taking care Impact on productivity, time away from work, lack of ability to focus or concentrate Family issues, conflicts with spouse, feeling misunderstood, cultural differences around care giving.

11 Logistical -Medical -Legal-Financial Home Care Doctor visits Medication management Moving parents away from home Taking care of funeral planning Shopping Legal, power of attorney, medical directives Bill paying Funeral arrangements

12 Stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. Kristi A. Dyer MD, MS, FT

13 ‘necessary stress’

14 Distress is a negative stress response. It occurs when stress continues without relief. Distress disturbs the body's internal balance causing physical and emotional symptoms: headache, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, insomnia, depression, panic attack and anxiety.

15 Over the long term, the overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones wreaks havoc on almost all of your body's processes; putting you at risk of increased health problems, including: anxiety, depression, digestive problems, heart disease, sleep problems, weight gain, and memory and concentration impairment.

16 Routines Exercise In what circumstances do you find yourself over stressing or neglecting your well being? Be specific. Think about your routines in the morning, at work and so on. Where does the stress usually occur? Whom does the stress usually occur with? Now, get creative and invent some new, healthier habits. (Cross your arms the other way!)

17 Don’t forget that just as it may feel strange to cross your arms in the other direction, developing new healthy habits and behaviors feels strange at first – even though it’s good for you. Keep it up!

18 Slow down, you move too fast!

19 write a love note... “ Although I’ve taken my body for granted, consuming too much fat and sugar, depriving it of nutrition and sleep, and on too many occasions running it ragged, I’m so thankful for the energy and pleasure my body provides; without which I couldn’t feel simple pleasures like the warmth of the sun or the refreshing taste of a cold beer or a sweet slice of watermelon on a on hot summer day.”

20 a ‘whole’ person








28 What about a presentation or workshop for your organization? Time-Project-Stress Management Keynote, Retreat, Emcee Jerry Bridge 760-918-6701

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