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The Cold War (Enable outside content before starting slide show)

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1 The Cold War (Enable outside content before starting slide show)

2 The American 69th Infantry Division meets the Soviet 58th Guards. Staged photography by International News war correspondent Allan Jackson on April 26, 1945, the day following the actual Link-Up. Atomic bomb mushroom clouds over Hiroshima (left) and Nagasaki (right). 6 and 9 August 1945.

3 The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 3 March 1918


5 Territorial changes in Europe and the Near East after the First World War.


7 “Mariage de Conférence,” cartoon by Bernard Partridge for Punch 26 April 1922 (on the Treaty of Rapallo, 16 April 1922). Lebensraum! Postcard for the German Harvest Festival 1 September 1933.

8 Training of the Condor Legion, a unit composed of volunteers from the German Air Force and the German Army in support of Franco’s Nationalists. Ávila, 1939. British volunteers in the International Brigades. Republican volunteers at Teruel, 1938.

9 German and Italian Expansion, 1936-1939.

10 Cartoon by David Low on the Nazi-Soviet Pact (23 August 1939), Evening Standard 21 October 1939. Cartoon by John Bernard Partridge from Punch, 2 Sept 1936.

11 Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler: the Munich Agreement 30 September 30 1939. “Peace for our time.”


13 President Franklin D. Roosevelt (left) and Prime Minister Winston Churchill on the HMS Prince of Wales during the Atlantic Charter Conference. 10-12 August 1941. Joseph Stalin, Franklin D Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill on the portico of the Russian Embassy during the Tehran Conference, 28 November 1943-1 December 1943.

14 The Yalta Conference (start at 5’)

15 Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President Franklin Roosevelt, and General Secretary Joseph Stalin meet at Yalta, 4-11 February 1945. Prime Minister Clement Attlee, President Harry S Truman, and General Secretary Joseph Stalin meet in Potsdam, 17 July-2 August 1945.

16 Territorial Changes in Europe following World War II. Aerial photograph of Cologne, courtesy of the 303rd Bomb Group Association.

17 The American 69th Infantry Division meets the Soviet 58th Guards. Staged photography by International News war correspondent Allan Jackson on April 26, 1945, the day following the actual Link-Up. Atomic bomb mushroom clouds over Hiroshima (left) and Nagasaki (right). 6 and 9 August 1945.


19 Winston Churchill on the Iron Curtain at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri; March 5, 1946.

20 Territorial Changes in Europe following World War II. Berlin children cheer a Douglas C-54 Skymaster piloted by the candy bomber Gail Halvorsen.


22 The Truman Doctrine. President Harry S Truman addresses congress on 12 March 1947.



25 Leonid Brezhnev (party secretary 1964- 1982) and Richard Nixon (president 1969- 1974) in Washington, June 1973. Nixon with Mao Zedong in Beijing, February 1972. Mikhail Gorbachev (party secretary 1985- 1991) and Ronald Reagan (president 1981- 1989 sign the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty at the White House, December 1987.

26 Peter Jennings reports live from Berlin, 10 November 1989. (video opens in browser)

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