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HPR 453 Chapter 3.  The world is changing primarily due to an aging population.  In addition, world demographics are changing due to migration  TR.

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Presentation on theme: "HPR 453 Chapter 3.  The world is changing primarily due to an aging population.  In addition, world demographics are changing due to migration  TR."— Presentation transcript:

1 HPR 453 Chapter 3

2  The world is changing primarily due to an aging population.  In addition, world demographics are changing due to migration  TR specialists must be flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of an aging and culturally diverse population

3  A population is aging when “future populations will have a higher proportion of the population in older age groups than they do today.”  Decrease in fertility rates and decreased mortality rates  Life expectancy in developed countries (Australia, Canada, US, etc) life expectancy for men is 78 and for women 83.  In Nigeria life expectancy for men is 45 and 46 for women

4  Baby Boomers – (1946-1965)  Generation X – (1960-1980) or mid 1960s- 1981 (Wikipedia)  Generation Y – (1970-1990) or 1980s- early/mid 1990s (Wikipedia)

5  World Migration  From developing nations to developed nations – refugees or by choice  Estimated by 2050, 24.4% of US population will be Hispanic or Latino

6  Greater number of adults with one or more disability or chronic illness  In countries with life expectancies over age 70, individuals spend on average about 8 years or 11.5% of their life span living with disabilities.  The United Nations (1993) has recommended guidelines for countries to consider for equalization of individuals with disabilities. (pg 35 in book)

7  Enter “International Classification of Functioning”… Data collection internationally to examine global trends in regard to prevention, management, and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.

8  We have a role in meeting the needs of an aging culturally diverse population. The aging population will be dealing with multiple and complex disabilities in a global society.  They also bring diverse definitions and perceptions of leisure  The Biopsychosocial International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) focuses on how people live with health conditions and how functioning can be enhanced for the person so he or she can lead a productive life.

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