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FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 1 Practical experience on border controls Eric Van Tilburgh FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and.

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Presentation on theme: "FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 1 Practical experience on border controls Eric Van Tilburgh FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and."— Presentation transcript:

1 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 1 Practical experience on border controls Eric Van Tilburgh FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment Department for Animal Welfare

2 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 2 Registration of dogs in Belgium Mandatory since 1/9/1998 –reasons?  number of dogs euthanized in pet shelters  control of the national market –when? before change of owner before age of 4 months –% of dogs registered? estimation from 50 to 90 %


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5 5 2011 154 857 registered * BE 124 648 * SK 10 448 * CZ 8 042 * NL 5 333 * HU 2649 30 209 * ES 1 461 * FR 950 * DE 422 * PL 374 * Others 530 2975 deaths * 217 lost * 62 stolen

6 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 6 I.154 857 new dogs II.30 209 imports (intracom trade) ?

7 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 7 Shelters: 5 560 registrations Type of ownerLicence Number Flanders/Walloons/Bruss Registration Breeder Amateurs HK 10/117198 856 Professionnal Breeder HK12/1311818 122 Commercial Breeders HK 14/158937 679 Others Non-licenced-private persons ?84 670 154 857 ? either new puppies or acquired outside of the register (abroad or not-ID )

8 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 8 154 857 ? Amateur Breeders= between3 et 10 litters/year 8 856 for 719 breeders - 8 685 BE (98 %) - 171 outside-BE: breeders?

9 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 9 154 857 ? PROFESSIONAL breeders= >10 litters/year without import 18 122 for 118 breeders - 16 486 BE (90%) - 1 636 outside-BE: breeders? 11 breeders provide 40 % (6 700) 3 breeders provide more than 1000 (top 1142)

10 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 10 154 857 ? COMMERCIAL breeders=>10 litters/year + import 37 679 for 82 breeders * BE 14 411 = 38 % * SK 10 171 * CZ 7 943 * NL 2 442 = 62 % * HU 2 396 * PL 316 10 breeders provide +- 50 % of the total number 3 breeders more than 3 000 (top 4089 from which 125 BE, 2285 CZ, 1674 SK)

11 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 11 154 857 ? Shelters: dogs without ID 5 560 registrations from which 5 465 BE

12 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 12 154 857 ? 84 640 registrations BE 78 532 = 93 % * NL 2 621 * ES 1 420 * FR 896 * SK 290 = 7 % * HU 156 * CZ 84 * PL 72 * others 569 or born (non-licenced, 1-2 litters/year), or acquired without-ID or acquired abroad Without licence:

13 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 13 30 209 « imports » ? * SK 10 448 * CZ 8 042 * NL 5 333 * HU 2649 * ES 1 461 * FR 950 * DE 422 * PL 374 * Others 530 Mortality BE 1,4% NL 2,2% CZ 4,9 % SK 5%

14 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 14 30 209 « imports » ? 91% via 4 suppliers * SK1 : 2322 for 1 BE * SK2 : 1292 for 1 BE * SK3 : 3129 for 7-8 * SK4 : 3966 for 7-8 Slovakia 10 448 ABIEC / 11 658 TRACES 1210 either not imported or not registered 90% via 2 suppliers * CZ1 : 5 358 for 8 BE * CZ2 : 2 514 for 3 BE Czech Republic 8042 ABIEC / 8 840 TRACES 798 either not imported or not registered Collection centers ?

15 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 15 30 209 « imports » ? 98% via 1 supplier (1 158) NL 5 333 ABIEC / 1 171 TRACES 4162 either not imported or not registered FR 950 ABIEC / 123 TRACES 827 either not imported or not registered

16 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 16 30 209 « imports » ? Galgos? ES 1 461 ABIEC / 225 TRACES 1236 either not imported or not registered

17 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 17 European passport conclusions –registration is necessary in order to allow for efficient implementation of R998/2003 –practicing veterinarians often underestimate the importance of the European passport and the data recorded herein - TRACES system is not always reliable => The situation today implies serious risks regarding public health as well as animal health and welfare

18 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT Modifications in European Passport - Passports to be delivered by a vet -Owner has to sign on the first page -A plastic film has to be applied across the dog’s ID BUT: -Registration is still not mandatory (vet has to keep register) -Passport can be replaced by another - No link between TRACES and passport 18

19 FPS PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD CHAIN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 19 Recommendations ensure tracability (”decisive element” in R998/2003 according to the Court of Justice of the EU) –registration of all dogs going from one MS to another preferably registration of all dogs –consultation of all registration data by competent authorities of MS 1 European database search engine linked to different national databases –ban on the systematic replacement of passports –raising awareness of veterinarians on the importance of correct implementation of the European passport

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