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In this project we are going to give you a quiz and some information about getting as pet that is right for you! Next By: Amanda Bowles, Emma McCrary,

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Presentation on theme: "In this project we are going to give you a quiz and some information about getting as pet that is right for you! Next By: Amanda Bowles, Emma McCrary,"— Presentation transcript:


2 In this project we are going to give you a quiz and some information about getting as pet that is right for you! Next By: Amanda Bowles, Emma McCrary, Chaeli Vernon, Hallie Graves Multi-Media Interactive Grades 3-5

3  Pets can do many things for you!  A dog might help you get around  A cat might catch a mouse for you.  By helping a pet, you help yourself. Next

4 Amanda and her Guinea pig Daisy. Hallie and her cat Polly. Next Hallie- “My pets are loving and I care for them too. Also I would love to help pets in need.” Amanda- “I love my pets very much and I would like to help.” more pets

5 Next Emma’s dogs Bella and Smalls. Chaeli and her dog Bandito Emma- “I love having pets and I hope I can help more in the future!” Chaeli- “My pets mean a lot to me and I hope other people feel the same.”

6 Directions - Next, there will be some questions we will ask you. After you answer a question, we will recommend pet(s) that are best for you. Start Quiz Have you ever wanted a pet, but you’re just not sure what kind or even where to start?

7 1. Are you ever lonely or stressed? A.YesYes B.NoNo 2. Do you have children at home? A. No. No B. Yes Yes 3. Are you home a lot? A.YesYes B.NoNo 4.What kind of area do you live in? A.Town/CityTown/City B.CountryCountry More Questions Directions Page

8 5.How much free time do you have each day? A.NoneNone B.30 min. +30 min. + 6.How much money are you willing to spend on a pet each month? A.$10-50$10-50 B.$50+$50+ Congratulations! You have completed the quiz! Click the button to review the pet choices. Finish the Show

9 POSITIVE:  Fish are fun to watch  Homes include large bowls or aquariums  Needs to be feed two or one time a day  50-60 dollars  Helps when you are stressed NEGATIVE:  They don’t live long  Doesn't need a lot of attention Credits Take Again Finish the Show More Pet Choices

10 POSITIVE:NEGATIVE:  Doesn’t need much attention.  Rabbits are active at night; they wont need much attention during the day.  Need a cage with room for food, toys. Cages can be inside or out.  Can be held/likes to be pet.  Can comfort people.  Cost around $ 75-115  Cost a lot  Can claw people  Cage need a lot of things Credits Take Again More Pet Choices Finish the Show

11 Cute and cuddly Comforting Comfortable around other people Likes indoors & outdoors Requires 30 min - 1 hr of attention Visit vet once a year Cost $50 a month at least POSITIVES:NEGATIVES: Feisty Claws Doesn’t like cages Might hurt small animals Scratches, so be careful with technology valuables Harmed by eating toxic plants Cost $500 a month at most Credits Take Again Meet Available Cats at the Humane Society Finish the Show

12  Positive  Fun  Loving  Gentle  Protective  Playful  Cost 350-3,500  Negative  Barks  Growls  Slobbers  Bites Credits Take Again Meet available Dogs at the Humane Society Finish the Show

13 POSITIVE:  Small  Furry  Doesn’t take up much space NEGATIVE:  Nocturnal  Makes squeak and grunting noises  Need up to two servings of hay Credits Take Again More Pet Choices Finish the Show

14 Finish Show Morel Memphis Mable Jewels Chi Chi & Chi Chi

15 Finish Show Turtle & Swirly Tiger Ella, Diamond, & Emma

16 Lonely or Stressed… A cat or dog might be good if you are lonely. A fish might be good if you are stressed. Dog Cat Fish RabbitGuinea Pig Next Question

17 NOT Lonely or Stressed… Any pet might be good for you Next Question Dog Cat Fish RabbitGuinea Pig

18 Home a lot… Any pet would be good for you. Next Question Dog Cat Fish RabbitGuinea Pig

19 NOT home a lot… A fish, rabbit, or guinea pig might be good for you Next Question Fish RabbitGuinea Pig

20 Have Kids… A SMALL dog, cat, or fish might be good for you. A guinea pig or rabbit might also be good. Next Question Dog Cat Fish RabbitGuinea Pig

21 NO kids… Any pet would be good for you Next Question Dog Cat Fish RabbitGuinea Pig

22 Live in a town or city… A rabbit, fish, or guinea pig might be good for you. Next Question Fish RabbitGuinea Pig

23 Live in the country… Any pet may be good for you! Next Question Dog Cat Fish RabbitGuinea Pig

24 Free time 30 min.+ per day… Any pet might be good for you Next Question Dog Cat Fish RabbitGuinea Pig

25 Not a lot of free time…. Next Question Fish RabbitGuinea Pig

26 Prepared to Spend $10 to $50 Next Question Fish Guinea Pig

27 Finish Prepared to Spend $50 or more DogCatRabbit

28 We hope you have found the perfect pet! By helping a pet, you help yourself. Visit the Orange County Humane Society. Credits

29  Maguire, Sharon. "Dog Breed Info Center." Ed. Sharon Maquire. Rev. 1998-2015. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.  American Kennel Club. "" ["New York 2015"]. Ed. American Kennel Club. American Kennel Club, n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2015.  Kent, Sara. "Cat Care Cost." Ed.  Copyright ed. Societe des produits Nestle, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.  Orange County Humane Society More Credits

30  Kallen, Stuart A. Labador Retrievers. Minneapolis: Abolo And Daughters, 1996. Print.  Caravah, Jill. The Identification Guide to Cat Breeds. North Dighton: JG Press, 1998. Print.  O'Neill, Amanda. Cats. New York: Kingfisher, 1998. Print  Barnes, Julia. Pet Cats. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2007. Print.  Sayer, Angela. The World of Cats. New York: Exeter Books, 1982. Print.  Burgen, Stacy. Your World of Pets. New York: n.p., 1985. Print.  Vrvova, Zuza. Guinea Pigs. Canada: T.F.H Publisher Inc., 1990. Print.  World Almanac for Kids 2006-2007. 2006. Print.

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