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Genetic Testing and Gene Therapy  Catalyst:  Why do you think this frog has six legs?

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic Testing and Gene Therapy  Catalyst:  Why do you think this frog has six legs?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic Testing and Gene Therapy  Catalyst:  Why do you think this frog has six legs?

2 LS 7: Identify the basic structure and function of nucleic acids 272.4 4 75.8 5 78.5

3 LS 8: Describe the relationship among DNA, genes, chromosomes, and proteins. 277.2 4 80.6 5 77.7

4 LS 11: Calculate the probability of genotypes and phenotypes 285.0 4 84.2 5 86.5

5 Unit 2 Mastery 275.1 4 77.4 5 78.0

6 Overall Mastery for All Units 275.89 4 74.63 5 78.59

7 Catalyst Review  Catalyst:  Why do you think this frog has six legs?

8 Biotechnology  Biotechnology = technology based on life  Medicines  Genetic testing  Gene therapy  Cloning  Stem cell research


10 Human Genome Project  Key Point #1: In 2003, scientists created a map of the human genome  Genome = all your genetic information  Scientists determined the sequence of bases that make up human DNA in five test subjects

11 Genetic Testing  Key Point #2: Genetic testing allows individuals to know the content of their genes  Actionable disorders Mutant BRCA gene = 85% risk of breast cancer Early treatments (mammogram, hormone therapy, mastectomy)  Non-actionable disorders What if you have the gene for Alzheimer’s disease? No treatment. Do you still want to know?

12 Genetic counseling  Genetic counseling  You and your partner submit DNA for testing  Find out how likely it is that your child will inherit a genetic disorder  Family planning  Do you want to conceive a child or adopt?  Early treatment

13 Gene Therapy  Key Point #3: In gene therapy, scientists insert genes into patients' cells to treat a disease  Germ line gene therapy = alter sperm/eggs so that future children will not have genetic disorder  Somatic gene therapy = insert new genes into YOUR body cells to fix a genetic disorder Only way to help people already born Risk of causing genetic problems if done incorrectly

14  WHO determines what is good and what is bad?  Will people in power be FAIR to those who are not?  What happens to those who are deemed genetically NOT GOOD ENOUGH? Eugenics  Eugenics = practice of encouraging “good genes” and getting rid of “bad” ones.  Sounds great, right?  Prevent suffering by eliminating genetic disorders  Save money by not having to research/treat these disorders  Stronger people in society could push boundaries in unknown ways  Healthier, happier people

15 Biotechnology is good. And bad.  We need to critically think about what we are doing and analyze the positive AND negatives of what is going on.

16 Scenario 1  Counsyl, a genetics company, recently developed a home test for genetic disorders. If two individuals submit a bit of saliva, Counsyl will tell them how likely their children are to have any of 100+ genetic disorders.  Why would some people want to be tested?  Why would some people not want to be tested?  Which side do you agree with? Explain why.

17 Scenario 2  With a simple genetic test, women can find out whether they possess a mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene. Women with mutated BRCA genes have about an 80% risk of developing breast cancer.  Why would some women want to have the test?  Why would some women not want to have the test?  Which side do you agree with? Explain why. (If you’re a man, pretend that you’re a woman.)

18 Scenario 3  Scientists have developed a test to determine if you have the gene for Huntington’s Disease. People affected with Huntington’s Disease gradually lose control of their body and mind. There is no cure.  Why would some people want to be tested for this gene?  Why would some people not want to be tested for this gene?  Which side do you agree with? Explain why.

19 Scenario 4  In 2009, scientists succeeded in giving a squirrel color vision by inserting a new gene into its cells. Scientists hope to be able to do the same thing to humans in the near future.  What type of gene therapy is this?  Why would some people support this research?  Why would some people not support this research?  Which side do you agree with? Explain why.

20 Scenario 5  Many people believe that, in the future, we will be able to alter the genes in sperm and egg cells to create “designer babies” – parents will be able to pick and choose their children’s traits.  What type of gene therapy is this?  Why would some people want designer babies?  Why would some people not want designer babies?  Which side do you agree with? Explain why.

21 Homework  Explain to someone not in this class (such as relative) how genetic testing and germ line/somatic gene therapy work.  Write on paragraph describing whether they agree or disagree with EACH of these technologies.  Write a second paragraph explaining whether you agree or disagree with EACH of these technologies yourself.

22 Key Point Wrap-Up  Key Point #1: In 2003, scientists created a map of the human genome  Key Point #2: Genetic testing allows individuals to know the content of their genes  Key Point #3: In gene therapy, scientists insert genes into patients' cells to treat a disease  Germ line gene therapy = insert genes into sperm/eggs  Somatic gene therapy = insert new genes into body cells

23 Exit Question  Alzheimer’s is an incurable and fatal genetic disorder. Patients suffer from memory loss, and the loss of the ability to control their bodies.  Would you want to be tested for Alzheimer’s? Explain why or why not.  Imagine that scientists could cure Alzheimer’s by inserting new genes into your body cells.  What type of gene therapy would this be?  Why would some people support this treatment? Why would other people oppose it? Write in complete sentences! Don’t talk during the Exit Question!

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