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The War Begins. Alliances and Agreements Stalin and Hitler nonaggression pact: 1939 1939: Germany attacked Poland, Russia “Blitzkreig”: lightning war,

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Presentation on theme: "The War Begins. Alliances and Agreements Stalin and Hitler nonaggression pact: 1939 1939: Germany attacked Poland, Russia “Blitzkreig”: lightning war,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The War Begins

2 Alliances and Agreements Stalin and Hitler nonaggression pact: 1939 1939: Germany attacked Poland, Russia “Blitzkreig”: lightning war, attack quickly and win with surprise France/GB declare war on Germany

3 Hitler Continues 1940: Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, France Battle of London: Summer 1940: UK wins

4 More Alliances Form Atlantic Charter- US joins UK and France, but… US didn’t want to fight Lend/Lease Act: US agreed to provide supplies to Allied powers

5 Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941: Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, HI Brought the US into the war After PH, 5 million volunteered to serve Draft enacted, 10 million more called up Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps: nurses, radio operators, pilots, electricians

6 Production All factories converted to war production 6 million women went to work, earned 60% of a man’s salary 1941: Office of Scientific Research and Development: drugs, weapons, “Manhattan Project”: atomic bomb

7 Production Office of Price Administration: froze prices on consumer goods to control inflation Sale of war bonds War Protection Board: ran drives for scrap metal, rationing of gas and food

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