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German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Camera developments for CTA Meeting on January 25, 2011 Participants.

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Presentation on theme: "German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Camera developments for CTA Meeting on January 25, 2011 Participants."— Presentation transcript:

1 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Camera developments for CTA Meeting on January 25, 2011 Participants  FPI, ELEC coordinators (PV, RM)  xST-CAM coordinators (RW, BK, OBB)  MST-SYS coordinator (SS)  Technical coordinator (GH)  Project manager (JC)  Spokesperson (WH)

2 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Camera developments for CTA Goals  Assess current situation in the area of potential CTA camera developments  Identify possibilities to enable/accelerate the development of CTA camera prototype(s)  Identify possibility for the development of one common camera for all sizes of telescopes (single dish telescopes)

3 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Assessment current situation: Participating groups O(20) groups are listed in WP ELEC/FPI many more groups active, but not listed More groups pushing into the camera development area: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, UK, US…. Many R&D activities in the labs in almost all areas – only little (or no) system integration approach Not clear which groups really have the personnel and financial resources and/or the know-how to pursue serious development work

4 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Assessment current situation: Maturity of current developments All R&D projects (NeCTAr, Dragon, FlashCam, TARGET) follow promising approaches and could become serious candidates for CTA None of the R&D projects provides yet a detailed concept for complete camera None of the R&D projects can prove that performance, reliability and cost targets can be achieved While some R&D areas are overbooked, many detailed but decisive questions about camera architecture are not yet sufficiently covered/solved, like e.g. trigger and power distribution, cooling, temperature control, slow control, safety, calibration ….

5 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Technical activity matrix ItemActivityComment WindowOne group FunnelsIndustr. option, cost ? PMTsCost, performance ? High VoltageCost Pre-Amps DigitizationCost ? Synchronization TriggerImplementation ReadoutImplementation Monitoring??? PowerCost Slow Control ClimateOne group, cost ? MechanicsCost ? CalibrationCost ? Integration/System SiPMT Attention: “educated” guesses & incomplete

6 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Maturity of current developments:  consequences  CTA is not yet ready to decide on camera technology  It is clear that there is no point in splitting-up the camera developments for the different telescope sizes at the current stage  It is not clear if we have enough resources to follow several approaches in parallel  It is clear that CTA would profit from making use of as many common components across telescopes as possible  WP-driven approach was good for R&D phase; for prototyping phase a core-group driven approach might be better

7 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Maturity of current developments:  consequences  We need to avoid such a situation: LSTMSTSST

8 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Maturity of current developments:  consequences  We need to avoid such a situation: LSTMSTSST System Integration

9 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Assessment current situation: General wishes, opinions, remarks Citations: “we should make sure, there are no losers or winners” “there are already losers” “we need to point out, where the specs for the different telescopes are different“ “we need to identify common features of cameras” “should have as many common components“ “there are discussions between LST and MST about camera: integrated approach vs. elec on ground” “one should build one camera but allow different elec to go in“ don’t ignore “human nature” ….

10 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Assessment current situation: General wishes, opinions, remarks Nice … … but how to continue from here ???

11 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Possible development scenario: common mechanical platform Define mechanical platform and allow different electronics to go in Requires a priori definition and fixing of  Common mechanical parameters for electronics  Common electronics architecture  Distribution scheme for power, trigger, synch, ….  Cooling concept and distribution of cooling power  ….

12 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Possible development scenario: common mechanical platform Advantages Decision on which type of electronics to be used can be delayed More time to evaluate different electronics Different FE boards could be tested in one prototype camera More groups kept busy with “fun” R&D Disadvantages “Competition inside the camera body” There will be “losers” at a pretty late stage of the development process Big time offset for definition of common parameters Not clear if too many compromises on interface definition and architecture will still lead to optimum price/performance

13 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Existing development: common “drawer”-based mechanical platform

14 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Existing development: common “drawer”-based mechanical platform Already quite intense approach around LLR (Bruno K.) ~ 1.5 years of work invested, jointly with DRS and NeCTAr groups  “Drawer” – based concept a la HESS, “vertical” integration  Definition of common mechanical parameters  Two different FE-boards around DRS4 and future NeCTAr chip under development / test; also HV boards  Interface for the development of three different types of camera triggers (sum trigger, comparator trigger, discriminator-FPGA trigger) Not all issues yet addressed:  System architecture not yet fully done  Cooling/sealing not yet sorted out  Mechanics needs to be cost optimized:  IRD proposal by LLR

15 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Alternative development: “horizontally”, crate-based platform

16 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Alternative development: “horizontally”, crate-based platform Concept:  “Horizontal” integration of components  Separation of photon detector plane (PDP) from RO-electronics  Analogue signal transmission via cables from PDP to elec-crates inside camera body Advantages  Simplified cooling  Easy exchange of photon detector plane (e.g. to SiPMTs)  Fewer interfaces to be defined if platform used for different electronics Disadvantages  Possibly: analogue transmission  COG possibly further away from focal plane

17 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Cooperation scenarios for the development of common camera for all types of telescopes

18 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Scenario 1: Fully competitive approach CAM LST-1 CAM MST-1 CAM MST-2 CAM SST-1 CAM SST-2  Will certainly not improve atmosphere within CTA  Probably not enough resources – thinning of know-how  There will be losers at a very late stage, after having spent a lot of time and money

19 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Scenario 2: One single joint development  Needs either immediate decision on which solution to be chosen, or  Danger of long delay to define common technical specs and interfaces  “don’t ignore the human nature”: danger of alienation of people The CTA camera

20 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Scenario 3: Cooperation on common components for two architectures Camera Project: Electromechanical Architecture A Camera Project: Electromechanical Architecture B Common components

21 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Recommendation by GH: cooperation on common components “Friendly competition” with cooperation on common components  Allow for competing camera prototyping projects that serve all telescopes, with full responsibility at participating groups  Define as many common components as possible, that will be optimized and handled jointly (PMTs, Window, HV, Cones, ….)  Install rigorous reviewing process based on performance and cost requirements Open questions: Do we have sufficient resources ?  Financial resources  Persons with sufficient time & experience to lead projects  Persons to do the job

22 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Next steps Joint treatment of cameras in team of xST-CAM, ELEC/FPI and TPC-INT coordinators  No separate treatment of camera issues in different xST-CAM projects  xST-SYS to define interfaces between camera and structure  xST-CAM to define telescope specific and common specs  …… Definition of task list for common components Assessment of available resources and commitments Formation of camera project(s)

23 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 Next steps : Assessment of available resources We need to make optimum “use” of positive motivation of groups and should not force them into areas where they don’t feel comfortable  Assessment of available resources and interests for development  Project Management/TPC-INT needs to collect info from groups about the possible and real extend of their contribution and commitment  Matching of interests with development needs necessary  Call via groups leaders

24 German Hermann, MPI für Kernphysik Project Committee 20110201 www.cta-observatory.orgFinally  All that depends on readiness of groups and coordinators to cooperate… “the human factor”  We should not forget about SST dual mirror developments, where camera with different plate-scale (and architecture ?) is needed

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