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Attracting Beneficial Insects You know you want to!

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Presentation on theme: "Attracting Beneficial Insects You know you want to!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Attracting Beneficial Insects You know you want to!

2 What will we be talking about Why bother? Food ◦Species selection ◦Setting up ◦Multipurpose species Accommodation Individual habitats Siting the hotel Don’t Bee impatient!

3 Why Bother? Improved pollination Greater productivity Reduced chemical usage Improved biodiversity

4 Food

5 Species Selection How long with they take to flower? How long will they flower for? Will they self seed and naturalise? Do they have potential to become a weed? How easy are they to establish? Do they fit in with existing plantings? Can they perform multiple roles?

6 Setting Up Create a diversity of habitats, Clumps rather than single plantings Don’t use pesticides Wasps prefer yellow and white flowers Pollinators prefer blue flowers Reduce digging to prevent damage to soil living predator eggs and nymphs Tolerate honeydew from scale Provide water

7 Include Multi-Purpose Species Edible flowers (Nasturtium, calendulas) Flowering vegetables (umbellifers, brassicas cucumber) Herbs (borage, lavender, lemon balm) Nitrogen fixing (Lucerne, white clover) Fruit (apple, avocado, olive, passionfruit) Dynamic accumulator (comfrey, dandelion) Windbreak – (Callistemon [bottle brush], Acacia) Groundcover – (vetch, red clover)

8 Accommodation

9 Bug Hotel Outer structure Inner habitats/elements ◦Wood with predrilled holes ◦Sticks with pithy centres ◦Pine cones ◦Corrugated cardboard ◦Clay filled pipes or clay bricks Siting the hotel

10 Outer Structure Should be big enough to contain all desired elements Must be weatherproof Preferably recycled

11 Wood with Pre Drilled Holes Homes for solitary bees Sizes –  1/8” (3mm) wide by 70mm deep  13/64” (5mm) wide by 120mm deep  1/4” (6.5mm) wide by 150mm deep  3/8” (9.5mm) wide by 150mm deep  1/2" (13mm) wide by 150mm deep  Drill largest holes first  Don’t drill all the way through  Stack in structure, holes facing out

12 Sticks with Pithy Centres These are favoured by reed bees. Species include lantana, hydrangea, tibouchina, grape vine or Jerusalem artichoke. Cut to 200mm long in whatever available thicknesses Wire together and hang in a tree or place in drink bottle in bug hotel.

13 Pine Cones Pine cones provide habitat for beneficial ladybirds To keep them in the hotel, place into a box with a wire face

14 Corrugated Cardboard Provides habitat for lacewings Cut rectangles of cardboard 200mm wide Roll up and place in cut-off drink bottle Place cut-side out into the hotel

15 Clay Filled Pipes Clay is used by solitary bees, blue banded bees in particular Mix 1 part clay and 3 parts sand Pack into a pipe Push in 6mm pilot holes Place into the hotel

16 Siting the Hotel Place in a sheltered area Face North to North east Avoid direction of prevailing wind Some sun on the face


18 What we talked about Why bother? Food ◦Species selection ◦Setting up ◦Multipurpose species Accommodation Individual habitats Siting the hotel Don’t Bee impatient!

19 For more details check our website

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