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BIM313 – Advanced Programming Techniques Course Information 1.

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1 BIM313 – Advanced Programming Techniques Course Information 1

2 About the course Lecturer:Muzaffer DOĞAN Office Phone:6562 E-mail Web Page: Teaching Assistant:Hakan GÜL Course Web Page: Class Hours and Location:09:00-12:00, TUE on B1 Office Hours:Hakan GÜL: 09:00-12:00, MON Muzaffer DOĞAN: 14:00-17:00, FRI Prerequisites:- BIM101 – Computer Programming I - BIM102 – Computer Programming II Textbooks:SAMS Teach Yourself Visual C# 2008 in 24 Hours, James Foxall, SAMS Publishing, 2008. Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2012, Karli Watson, Christian Nagel et al., Wiley Publishing, 2012. Illustrated C# 2012, Daniel Solis, Apress, 2012. 2

3 Course Contents Week 1Visual Studio 2012 IDE, C# and the.NET Framework, Creating Console Applications, Windows Forms Projects, and ASP.NET Web Pages Week 2Comments, Variables, Expressions, Operators, Namespaces, Flow Control, Binary Operators, Loops, Arrays Week 3Type Conversions, Enumerations, Structs, Arrays, String Operations, Functions, Delegates Week 4Debugging, Exception Handling, Object-Oriented Programming, Interfaces, Properties First Midterm Week 5Collections, Indexers, Iterators, Operator Overloading, Sorting, Generics, Events Week 6Windows Forms Applications: Button, Label, LinkLabel, TextBox, GroupBox, RadioButton, CheckBox 3

4 Course Contents (continued) Week 7RichTextBox, ListBox, CheckedListBox, ListView, ImageList, TabControl Week 8MenuStrip, ToolStrip, StatusStrip, SDI and MDI Applications, User Controls Second Midterm Week 9File Operations Week 10Database Operations Week 11Deploying Windows Applications Week 12Asynchronous Programming Final Exam 4

5 Grading Plan 1 st MT: 20%, 2 nd MT: 20%, Homework: 20%,Final: 40%. Curve will be applied to the grades If your grade is below 80%, you cannot get the grade AA, but it is not certain that if you pass 80% then you get AA. If your grade is below 35%, you certainly fail, but this does not mean that you’ll get at least DD if you pass 35%. 5

6 Sample Grading Plan Grade Letter Grade ≥ 80AA ≥ 75AB ≥ 70BA ≥ 65BB ≥ 60BC Grade Letter Grade ≥ 55CB ≥ 50CC ≥ 45CD ≥ 40DC ≥ 35DD < 35FF 6

7 Attendances You don’t have to attend the classes but recent experiences show that the students who attend the classes are more successful All students are responsible for visiting the website of the course at least two times in each week Announcements, assignments, grades, and project subjects will be published on the website. 7

8 Supplementary Software In this course, you’ll need Visual Studio 2012 software You can download it from a shared folder as explained in page You can login to the website using your Anadolu e-mail account. If you have problems in logging in, please inform me. 8

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