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COMPUTERSCIENCE High School Teacher's Workshop The University of Virginia July 9, 2008 And kinesthetic computer science activities Lynn Lambert Christopher.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPUTERSCIENCE High School Teacher's Workshop The University of Virginia July 9, 2008 And kinesthetic computer science activities Lynn Lambert Christopher."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPUTERSCIENCE High School Teacher's Workshop The University of Virginia July 9, 2008 And kinesthetic computer science activities Lynn Lambert Christopher Newport University Newport News, Va 23606

2 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Popularizing science topics Not interesting:  Physics

3 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Popularizing science topics Not interesting:  Physics Interesting:  Explosions

4 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Popularizing science topics

5 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Popularising science topics Not interesting:  Computer Science

6 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Popularising science topics Not interesting:  Computer Science Interesting:  ???

7 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Author: Tim Bell (not pictured: Ian Witten and Mike Fellows) Solution:

8 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Global project New Zealand Sweden United Kingdom Korea Japan China Haiti Even USA (CSTA, Peter Denning, Carnegie- Mellon, SIGCSE, AP Reading, NECC)

9 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 What is Unplugged How to teach important computer topics without using computers at all!computer topics Have Fun!

10 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Like? Binary Numbers Image Representation Text Compression Error Detection and Correction Searching Algorithms Sorting Algorithms Sorting Networks Minimal Spanning Trees Routing and Deadlock Finite-state Automata Programming Languages Information Theory

11 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Magic Trick Make a 5x5 grid with colored squares, some with one color, some the other. Magic

12 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Even parity (column and row to make each color even) Can correct a bit that was corrupt ISBN: from Wikipedia checks for adjacent swapped digits or a single incorrect digit Parity Checking

13 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Sorting network

14 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Have you used Unplugged? How?

15 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Binary Digits

16 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Characters and Sound Represented in Binary “ASCII” Modem

17 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Each pixel is a bit Image Representation (black and white) 1280 * 800 = 1,024,000 pixels/bits

18 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Each pixel is a bit 00001111111111100 for first row etc. Image Representation (black and white)

19 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Image Compression Run Length Encoding 4, 11, 2 4, 9, 2, 1, 1 4, 11, 2 4, 9, 4 5, 7, 5 0, 17 1, 15, 1

20 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008

21 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008

22 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Each pixel is a bit Still 1,024,000 pixels Now, each pixel is Image Representation (Color) 32 bits

23 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Color Images RGB color 0 0 255 for blue 00000000 11111111 Microsoft Office Color

24 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008

25 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008

26 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008

27 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 204/102/0 226/113/0 196/198/0 226/113/0180/90/0 141/105/101 240/240/255230/206/158 179/102/38 141/105/101 232/238/228218/218/200217/187/63

28 Lempel-Ziv (LZ) Compression (Lyrics by ColdFusion) Ge ou Get out t t heart me Get Out, Get Out, Get Out Ahhh-ohhhh Myingis break My head is tell ing me Ahhh-ohhhh

29 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 CS Unplugged in High School (by Scott Fletcher) Perfect: Binary Numbers, Programming Languages ("first day exercise“). Image Representation to introduce computer graphics to the students. Text Compression (used a popular song that the kids would recognize) Used briefly to introduce a topic: Twenty Guesses or the Card Flip Trick Sorting Networks Algorithm, Minimal Spanning Trees, Treasure Hunt could have been more challenging Did not use:  Battleships (pretty involved),  Lightest and Heaviest (too much equipment)  Orange Game (but should have)

30 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Non CSUnplugged Activities Andy Begel, KLA (Kinesthetic Learning Activities),, /07/743410.aspx  Binary Tree  Recursion  cons, car, cdr AP Reading Toy Night with Robert Duvall Internet, Sorting, Searching AP list, CSTA

31 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Your Turn Break up into groups Use an activity we're talked about Or, come up with one (or several) of your own Discuss how to teach it, and how to present it to us

32 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Example mappings Cards  two sides, choice, combinations, permutations Cups, containers, buckets  hidden information, two states, variable, limited contents Stickers, marker pen  commit, label, colour, user input Chalk on pavement/ tape on floor  transitions, paths, target Board game  paths, chance, rules Food  competition, humour, colour, sharing, size String  Connection, communication, length, network

33 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Your Turn Reporting

34 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Human-Computer Interaction ≠

35 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Stop the computer...

36 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Stop the computer...

37 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008

38 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008

39 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008

40 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008

41 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 HCI Works sheets  Affordances for doors  Layout of ovens Dumb interfaces System is machine plus user

42 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Shannon theory Twenty questions Guess a number

43 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Shannon theory Guess a letter Guess a sentence Probability and information

44 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Cryptography Public/Private Key One Way Functions  Send Information

45 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Peruvian coin toss Fair coin toss over the phone

46 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 One way function Both have the same telephone book Pick a function  Odd/even length of name  Name begins with H/T

47 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Audience member selects name

48 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Give number to presenter 6363-2482

49 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Presenter guesses: H or T? 6363-2482

50 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Presenter tries to find name 6363-2482

51 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Presenter gives up and tosses coin 6363-2482

52 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Correct? Prove it… 6363-2482

53 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 CS Unplugged wants your ideas: Designing an activity What are the key elements? e.g. bits, states, compare, relationships What games/puzzles/toys use similar elements? Turn it into a challenge To find (best) solution Compare speed (of groups or methods) Team? Impediments? Evaluate Simplicity, engagement, cost, novelty Refine Show to lots of kids/teachers/profs Publish

54 Tapestry 2008 Workshop The University of Virginia Lynn Lambert July 9, 2008 Questions?

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