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Should teenage girls have to have parents permission to get birth control? By: Meredith Harmon.

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Presentation on theme: "Should teenage girls have to have parents permission to get birth control? By: Meredith Harmon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Should teenage girls have to have parents permission to get birth control? By: Meredith Harmon

2 Opinion Girls should be able to go get birth control without parents’ permission. Some girls don’t have the super careful parents. Most of the girls don’t even get the birds and the bees talk.


4 Facts Although only 13% of teens have ever had sex by age 15, by their 19th birthday, 7 in 10 teens of both sexes have had intercourse. A sexually active teen who does not use a contraceptive has a 90% chance of becoming pregnant within a year. Nearly one in five female teens at risk of unintended pregnancy (19%) were not using any contraceptive method at last intercourse

5 Unsafe Teens without birth control end up pregnant. Most teens cant even take care of themselves better yet a baby.


7 What is birth control? Birth Control- (pregnancy prevention) deliberate limiting of number of children born There are many types of birth controls Nuva ring, pills, patch, IUD, and Depo. When taken correctly birth control is 99.9% effective

8 Pills Pills are taken once a day for three weeks. Cost about $15-$50 each month

9 Nuva Ring The nuva ring is a plastic ring You put it in for three weeks then take it out for a week In each box you get three rings Costs about $15–$70 a month

10 The Patch The patch is worn on the hips, abdomen, upper torso, and outer upper arm. The patch is changed once a week for three weeks. There are three in each box It cost about $15-$70 a month

11 Depo The Depo is a shot its given like a regular shot It dose best when its taken every 12 weeks Cost is $35-$75 per injection

12 IDU Small T-shaped device that’s placed in the uterus. Its made out of plastic that contains copper Costs between $500 and $1,000 up front, but lasts up to 12 years

13 Health Department When in high school birth control is free. Condoms are also free. They are provided by the state.

14 More facts Most teens girls think “well he’s wearing a rubber (condom) that’s safe.” Uses condoms and birth control are considered safe sex If you don’t use birth control its always that fear of what if the condom broke?


16 Teen Pregnancy Facts About 750,000 teens get pregnant in the United States each year. Teen mothers are less likely to complete high school, (only 1/3 receive a high school diploma) and more likely to end up on welfare. Nearly 80 percent of unmarried teen mothers end up on welfare. Teen pregnancy is said to cost the United States approximately $7 billion dollars annually in public assistance, lost tax revenue, health care, and other costs.


18 Teen Mom The popular teen show on MTV influences teens to be safe. It takes teens step by step showing teens being pregnant is not all fun in games. It shows the consequences that you make don’t just effect the mother but the whole family.



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