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Composing Web Services and P2P Infrastructure. PRESENTATION FLOW Related Works Paper Idea Our Project Infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "Composing Web Services and P2P Infrastructure. PRESENTATION FLOW Related Works Paper Idea Our Project Infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Composing Web Services and P2P Infrastructure

2 PRESENTATION FLOW Related Works Paper Idea Our Project Infrastructure

3 RELATED WORK Technologies : P2P Technology-JXTA Framework WebServices( UDDI, WSDL, SOAP ) Recent Work : SuperPeer Technology HyperCuP Edutella/JXTA RDF Based Peer-To-Peer Networks Chatty Web

4 P2P NETWORK TOPOLOGIES Pure P2P Systems All Peers have equal roles and responsibilities in all aspectsAll Peers have equal roles and responsibilities in all aspects Gnutella, FreenetGnutella, Freenet

5 P2P NETWORK TOPOLOGIES Hybrid Peers Search is performed over a centralized directory, but download occurs in a P2P manner: Peers are equal in download only Napster

6 Super Peers Cross between pure and hybrid systems A super peer is a node that acts as a centralized server to a subset of clients Clients submit queries to their super-peers Super-peers are also connected to each other as peers in a pure P2P system,routing messages to each other KaZaA

7 Super Peers

8 HyperCuP / HyperCuPs Peers, no superpeers Dimension increases incredibly

9 Complicated, not well defined, limited range of usage

10 Evaluation of Peer Network Topologies “Shaping the Network” means designing and organizing peer networks Pure P2P : inefficient, heterogeneity, limited capabilities of peers Hybrid : the cost of single-node housing the centralized index, easy to attack Super-Peer: – combine the efficiency of Pure and Hybrid systems – centralized search with autonomy, load balancing, roboustness to attacks, –DESIGN is very important

11 Recent Works: Edutella /JXTA “ Combining Edutella/JXTA P2P Service Environment with Web Services “ Two Way Approach: – Web Services Edutella/JXTA P2P Network – existing Edutella/JXTA P2P Services pure Web Service UDDI Registry Functionality is not well described

12 Edutella/JXTA Edutella/JXTA P2P Services Web Service Content Provider

13 RDF Based Super Peer Networks VERY WELL DONE WORK

14 RDF Based Super Peer Networks Critical Points: Super Peers store metadata for their peers Super Peers store routing indices: –SuperPeer Peer –SuperPeer SuperPeer ( neighbors ) Super Peers store transformation rules between different schemas of its peers  Super Peer subsets can be built regarding the interest areas Web Service Technology is not handled

15 The Chatty Web Routing due to query results Circulation Able to learn existing mappings how? Storage? Decision mechanism Query parameters are increased, peers have to do much work (low capacity peers) Degree of semantic agreement GLOBAL agreement Point of Failure New Translation? Know Existing Ones? What TO DO? HELP!!!

16 Can it be a Paper Subject ? “Combination of Gossiping and Super Peer Technology” Super Peer Topology based on HyperCuP gossiping among SuperPeers ( high capability ) level of SuperPeers ( no centralization, always keep the HyperCuP topology) siblings of a SP shaping is based on interest and other parameters Ex: In health subject, based on location in the World, queries can be sent depending on the location, ( lives in Turkey, has an accident in Chine; send query to Asia SuperPeer, it sends the query to Europe SuperPeer )

17 New Super Peer joins:  do gossiping with other SPs  get previous mappings  add the mapping between his schema and the others results in a general schema, very hard for ontologies Number of siblings Not more than two levels

18 HyperCuP of HyperCuPs Joint centralized and distributed ideas Removes Chatty Web Drawbacks Brings the power of SuperPeer Technology

19 OUR PROJECTS Main Steps To Decide: 1. Everything is in Edutella similar Environment ( possible ) wrap existing web services, join the P2P world no registries, efficient with appropriate topology, simple oEverything is in WebService Environment Composition of Two Technologies Leave services as they are, construct a mechanism between them 2. Pure P2P? Super Peers? 3. Applicable To Different Ontologies? Only One Ontology?

20 Results : Only one ontology Super Peer Topology HyperCuP Shaping Proxy Servers contain UDDI registries Put Proxies in SuperPeers ( Distributed UDDIs, similar to UDDI3 ) SuperPeers are oriented in HyperCuP topology Sibling SuperPeers Semantic is handled by means of RDF, OWL, etc… Intelligent Routing( Querying ) Algorithms Intelligent Network Shaping * DO NOT Increase dimension but HyperCuP of HyperCuPs Joint centralized and distributed ideas


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