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Elementary Particles Option - Jim Hinton - University of Leicester1 MC Meeting - Summary Jim Hinton

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1 Elementary Particles Option - Jim Hinton - University of Leicester1 MC Meeting - Summary Jim Hinton

2 Leicester MC Meeting 3-4 th March Participants  Yvonne Becherini (APC, Paris), Konrad Bernloehr (MPI-K, Heidelberg), Emiliano Carmona (CIEMAT, Madrid) Pierre Colin (MPI-P, Munich), Guillaume Decerprit (DESY, Berlin), Frederico Di Pierro (INAF, Torino), Kate Dutson (Uni. Leicester), Jim Hinton (Uni. Leicester), Bruno Khelifi (LLR, Paris), Nukri Komin (LAPP, Annecy), Jean-Philippe Lenain (ISDC, Geneva), Stefan Ohm (Uni. Leeds/Leicester), Julian Osborne (Uni. Leicester), Dan Parsons (Uni. Leeds), Heike Prokoph (DESY, Berlin), Michael Punch (APC, Paris), Cameron Rulten (Uni. Durham), Stefan Schlenstedt (DESY, Berlin), Maxim Shayduk (DESY, Berlin), Ellen Shum (Uni. Durham), Victor Stamatescu (IFAE, Barcelona), Richard White (Uni. Leicester), Ralf Wischnewski (DESY, Berlin) + ~10 part-time EVO participants Elementary Particles Option - Jim Hinton - University of Leicester2

3 Status of studies Needed, Planned, Underway, Under analysis, being documented, complete Elementary Particles Option - Jim Hinton - University of Leicester3 LST f/d + FoV 3.7k Altitude Moonlight dynamic range SST DC FoV SST Options MST optics impact SC-MST Study Trigger studies further LST pixel size studies bandwidth/digitisation

4 Electronics Dynamic range  2000 pe saturation for all telescopes seems to have no significant impact on performance of full array up to tens of TeV  Hillas study + 3-D model study (preliminary)  BUT - need further studies for the SSTs and for the MST and LST subsystems operating independently Triggering  several studies in progress – close to a statement on relative (science) performance of options – clipped analogue sum looks promising – will test 3 options in parallel in Prod-2 Readout window and bandwidth/digitisation  Prod-1S (wider gates and slower digitisation) and floating- window versus fixed window stored values  will store waveforms for significant pixels in Prod-1S Elementary Particles Option - Jim Hinton - University of Leicester4

5 Dual Mirror Hybrid-1 simulation still in prep.  AGIS 9m + MST 12m combination  Delays due to implementation of mixed analogue sum / NN trigger needed for AGIS-style – ready any day now…  will store photons in the focal plane to allow alternative camera simulation Reasonably realistic SST-SO option under evaluation (using Prod-2 layout)  see documentation on optics optimisation on wiki Jim Hinton - University of Leicester5

6 LST f/D and FoV Studies by Victor Stamatescu and Pierre Colin  Looking at off-axis performance versus FoV  Observation strategy for point-like sources (wobble)  Impact of focal length on cost – for the moment assumed that cost prop. to focal length at fixed D, toy model  Preliminary conclusion – recommended FoV for the LST is ~4 degrees for point-source studies (neglecting systematic errors and assuming standard cost scalings) and around 1.2 for F/D (for 0.1 degree pixels) Additional study led by Emiliano Carmona  firm-up the relationship between performance and F/D – underway, need cost scaling info to reach a conclusion Jim Hinton - University of Leicester6

7 Other studies 3.7 km altitude  Preliminary conclusion – too high  small improvement at low energies does not justify the reduction in performance across most of the CTA energy range  Will study a lower altitude – informed by SITE WP Moonlight studies  4.5x nominal NSB with adapted trigger  Preliminary conclusion – looks promising See the indico page for further studies Jim Hinton - University of Leicester7

8 8 Prod-1S 250 MHz Digitisation + Prod-1 pulse shape slowed down by a factor 4 MST Need to adapt cleaning to compare methods

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