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Friday, November 6 th, 2015 AP English Language and Composition.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, November 6 th, 2015 AP English Language and Composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, November 6 th, 2015 AP English Language and Composition

2  Listen to “Let It Go.” Who is the individual? Who is the community? What is the conflict? What is the relationship between the individual and the community, in this instance?  English matters! – Clip from The Office:  Précis writing workshop  Pass back Unit 1 précis  Pass back Education essay revisions & Unit 2 rubric  Quarter 1 grades, etc.  HW due Monday Agenda

3  Listen to “Let It Go”  Who is the individual?  Who is the community?  What is the conflict?  What is the relationship between the individual and the community, in this instance? Individual and Community in Disney’s Frozen

4  Clip from The Office:  English Matters!!

5  Why this structure?  + & - examples  Let’s play the edit game!  Pass back Unit 2 précis. Notice +/- and identify trends. – Revisions? Timeline & t-chart  Due Monday: complete précis for either Carnegie or Hardin – Bullet-point pre-write – Hand-written rough draft – Typed final (MLA formatting) Précis Writing Workshop

6  Pass back Education essay revisions & Unit 2 rubric  Quarter 1 grades, etc. Pass Back Graded Work & Quarter 1 Grades

7  Due Monday 11/9/15 – Complete précis for either Carnegie or Hardin  Bullet-point pre-write  Hand-written rough draft  Typed final (MLA formatting) – Read and annotate:  Rodriguez “Disunited We Stand” (CA)  D’Souza “In Praise of Empire” (CA) Homework

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