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By Matt Shaw. Beam bridgesBeam bridges : are horizontal beams supported at each end by piers. Arch bridgesArch bridges : are arch-shaped and have abutments.

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Presentation on theme: "By Matt Shaw. Beam bridgesBeam bridges : are horizontal beams supported at each end by piers. Arch bridgesArch bridges : are arch-shaped and have abutments."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Matt Shaw

2 Beam bridgesBeam bridges : are horizontal beams supported at each end by piers. Arch bridgesArch bridges : are arch-shaped and have abutments at each end. Suspension bridgesSuspension bridges : are suspended from cables. Truss bridgesTruss bridges : are composed of connected elements.

3 Beam bridgesBeam bridges : BP pedestrian bridge in Millennium Park Arch bridgesArch bridges : Mycenaean Arkadiko bridge in Greece. Suspension bridgesSuspension bridges : New York’s Brooklyn Bridge Truss bridgesTruss bridges : First Bridge in Wuhan, China.

4 The Bridge of San Luis Rey in The Bridge of San Luis Rey.

5 The Brooklyn Bridge in New York is featured in I Am Legend

6 Busey bridge disaster : Boston, Massachusetts 1887, iron railroad bridge, poor construction, 30 killed/40 injured Quebec Bridge : Quebec, Canada 1907, cantilever bridge, unable to support its own weight, 74killed/11injured West Gate Bridge : Melbourne, Australia 1970, Road bridge, collapsed during construction, 35 killed

7 Brooklyn Bridge : New York, New York Golden Gate Bridge : San Francisco, California Sydney Harbour Bridge : Sydney, Australia

8 Compression : is the result of the subjection of a material to compressive stress Tension : the magnatude of the pulling force exerted by a string, cable or chain Stress : the average amount of force exerted per unit area Strain : the deformation of materials caused by stress induced by applied forces

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