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Published byLilian Matthews Modified over 8 years ago
Advanced Requester Training MyFloridaMarketPlace
Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Creating a Requisition Viewing Payment Information Receiving Commodities Invoices Approving Services Change Orders Cancel Requisition Advanced Topics Questions & Answers Page - 2
Page - 3 What is MyFloridaMarketPlace? MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) is the State of Florida’s source for centralized procurement which began July 1, 2003. One-stop shop for accessing procurement and payment information. Greater accessibility, since MFMP is an internet based application that can be accessed anytime from anywhere with internet connection 24/7. Reduced Error Rates by providing automated error checking and dropdown boxes rather than free form data entry. Faster order processing time by automating the transactions, contracts, and approvals; the time for requisition to payment is reduced. Reduction in the cost of goods and services occurs because MFMP enables the State of Florida to leverage its significant buying power by acting as a single entity during contract and purchasing negotiations. Page - 3
Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Creating a Requisition Viewing Payment Information Receiving Commodities Invoices Approving Services Change Orders Cancel Requisition Advanced Topics Questions & Answers Page - 4
Page - 5 General Abilities of a Requester As a Requester, you will have the ability to: Create and Submit a Requisition Initiate change orders Initiate receipts against your orders Create and Submit an Invoice eForm Search and copy your purchase orders Create folders and file items within them Page - 5
Terminology Requester = On Behalf Of (OBO) - The person who submits a request for good or services Requisition - A document that notifies a purchasing office of a need to have a purchase order issued for a commodity and/or service. This process will be automated with the eProcurement system Purchase Order (PO) - Purchase orders that are automatically generated in MFMP when a requisition is fully approved. Orders are then sent directly to the chosen suppliers by fax, email, or the Ariba Supplier Network (ASN) Approval Flow - Approval flows specify which individuals review a transaction. These are determined by the PUI associated with your transaction FLAIR – Florida Accounting Information Resource (the State’s financial system) Encumbering - Reserving money from your budget in FLAIR Page - 6
Terminology Line Item – One item on an order regardless of quantity Split Accounting – A feature that allows the cost of a line item to be split between different accounts and funds. Splits can be by percentage, quantity, or total amount Commodity – An item of physical property. Normally these items have a commodity code that begins with a number other than 9 Receipt – An electronic receiving report completed for all commodity purchases when the ordered item(s) are physically received Service – Work done by another or group of others that benefits the state. Normally these items have a commodity code that begins with the number 9 Page - 7
Terminology eForm – An electronic form PUI – Purchasing Unit Indicator that, based on your profile, dictates the flow of your requests Redact – Obscuring or removing sensitive (confidential) information prior to scanning and attaching the document into MFMP Additional terminology can be found on the MFMP GlossaryMFMP Glossary Page - 8
Preferences Delegation of Approval Authority Customers should complete a Delegation of Authority when they are going to be on leave and/or out of the office and unable to obtain Internet access Submitting the Delegation of Authority is necessary to ensure Purchase Requisitions, Invoice Reconciliations and Receipts are approved in a timely manner Submit your delegation request far enough in advance to give your supervisor enough time to approve your request before you leave The scheduled delegation will go into effect at 1:00 AM (EST) of the date selected Page - 9
Preferences Delegating Authority To Delegate your authority, click here Page - 10
Preferences Delegate Approval Authority Choose an appropriate Delegate Choose a Start and End Date A Delegation Reason is not required but is a good business practice By checking the Notification box, you may choose to continue to be notified of approvals requiring your attention Page - 11
Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Creating a Requisition Viewing Payment Information Receiving Commodities Invoices Approving Services Change Orders Cancel Requisition Advanced Topics Questions & Answers Page - 12
Creating a Requisition Catalogs Line Item Catalog - State Term Contracts (STC) loaded and searchable as line item entries in MFMP are able to be selected and added as line items to a requisition. State Term Contracts are entered as Master Agreements Ordering Instructions - State Term Contracts loaded and searchable as line item entries with a $0.00 amount which will refer the customer to the STC page and the appropriate vendor to contact prior to a purchase being made and are not able to be selected and added as line items to a requisition Punch out – State Term Contracts that allow you to “Punchout” directly to the supplier’s website to add items to populate your requisition. Ex. Office Depot, Grainger, Dell, HP, Gateway, etc. Non-Catalog - To create requisitions for purchases where all information must be entered by the requester Contracts (MA#) – State Term Contracts and some Agency Term Contracts Page - 13
Creating a Requisition Page - 14
Creating a Requisition Title Page TITLE: Follow your Agency’s naming convention for the title of your PR ON BEHALF OF: Defaults to the requester’s name but can be changed DELAY PURCHASE UNTIL: Leave blank unless necessary (ex: creating requisitions for the following fiscal year many agencies would use a Delay Purchase Until date of 7/1/XX) Page - 15
Creating a Requisition Title Page PO START and END DATES: PO Start and End dates should be entered to set the term that your PO will cover FISCAL YEAR: The system will default to the current fiscal year but can be changed as appropriate PUI#: Defaults as per the requester’s profile and is used by the system for requisition routing purposes Page - 16
Creating a Requisition Title Page Encumber Funds: Place a check if this requisition should be encumbered PCard Order: Check this box if payment will be made by PCard Do Not Send Purchase Order to Vendor: Checking this box will not send the PO to the vendor. Most requesters will not be able to select this Click Next to Add Items Page - 17
Creating a Requisition Line Item Catalog Catalog “Browse Path” provides each catalog category and a count of all line item catalogs loaded When selecting the Options link, the menu appears which allows you to select individual fields or you can Show All Search Options Page - 18
Creating a Requisition Line Item Catalog For this search, The keywords used were “8.5 x 11” and “White” The Recycle Search field was selected to “Yes” The Supplier was selected as “Mac Papers” To add a line item to your requisition, click Add to Cart Page - 19
Creating a Requisition Line Item Catalog To additional items to your requisition, click Add Items From the Shopping cart, you can choose to either: Click Add Items (to add additional items to your requisition) Click Checkout to complete your requisition and Submit Page - 20
Creating a Requisition Punchout We click “Buy from Supplier” to access the Punchout site To find the Office Depot Punchout catalog, we type “Office Depot” into the Keyword search field Page - 21
Creating a Requisition Punchout Enter the item in the search field Page - 22
Creating a Requisition Punchout Just a reminder, the Best Value icon denotes State Term Contract items Enter in a quantity and choose Add to Cart Page - 23
Creating a Requisition Punchout You can add additional items or Checkout to return to MFMP Page - 24
Creating a Requisition Punchout Click Continue to add these items to the requisition Page - 25
Creating a Requisition Punchout The items from your shopping cart in the Punchout site populate as line items on your requisition From the Shopping cart, you can choose to either: Click Add Items (to add additional items to your requisition) Click Checkout to complete your requisition and Submit To additional items to your requisition, click Add Items Page - 26
Creating a Requisition Non-Catalog Click Create Non-Catalog Item button Page - 27
Creating a Requisition Non-Catalog Description: Give a full description of the item that you are purchasing Commodity Code: Choose the appropriate commodity code Vendor Location: You choose your Supplier by choosing your Vendor Location Page - 28
Creating a Requisition Non-Catalog Supplier Part Number: Enter this information if you have it but it is not a required field Method of Procurement: Choose the appropriate Method of Procurement State Contract ID: If you are making a purchase with Method of Procurements A, B or C then you should populate this field with the appropriate contract # Page - 29
Creating a Requisition Non-Catalog Quantity: Enter the correct quantity. Remember to keep in mind how the vendor will invoice you Unit of Measure: This will default to “each”, change it as appropriate Price: This is the price per every one item, the total amount will come from the price x the quantity you entered Click OK to Add this Item Page - 30
Creating a Requisition Non-Catalog At this point you can Add more Items or Checkout to complete your requisition Click Checkout to complete your requisition Page - 31
Creating a Requisition Checkout Check the box next to each line to edit each line individually or check the header box to mass edit the accounting information and Method of Procurement on all lines at once Check the box, then click Edit Page - 32
Creating a Requisition Checkout Your accounting information is populated based on three fields: Organization Code Expansion Option Object Code Make sure that the appropriate Org Code is populated Choose “Other” from the dropdown and choose the appropriate Expansion Option Make sure that the appropriate Object Code is populated Page - 33
Creating a Requisition Checkout All Accounting information has populated and all the error messages have disappeared. Click OK Page - 34
Creating a Requisition Checkout Comments/Attachments section is where you include justification, quotes, etc. Be sure to uncheck the “include comments/attachment(s) on purchase orders” box if the comment is for internal review or includes other vendor’s quotes DO NOT attach any confidential information (contact your Purchasing Office if you are unsure whether something is confidential) Ensure that the appropriate Ship To address is chosen and enter the name of the person who will be physically receiving the items in the Deliver To field Select the appropriate FOB Code (for a full listing of FOB codes please refer to the Freight Terms Job Aid) To add an attachment, click the box confirming that you are not attaching confidential information and then click Add Attachment Page - 35
Creating a Requisition Checkout Review your requisition for accuracy, then click : Submit to start your requisition through the approval flow Exit to save your requisition to Submit at another time Page - 36
Following up on your order You can easily identify where in the approval flow your requisition is A requisition can be awaiting approval in a person’s queue for 10 days until it escalates to their supervisor Therefore if you find a requisition has been awaiting approval for quite some time, you may want to contact that person to expedite the approval. Page -37
Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Creating a Requisition Viewing Payment Information Receiving Commodities Invoices Approving Services Change Orders Cancel Requisition Advanced Topics Questions & Answers Page - 38
Viewing Payment Information Once your requisition is in an Ordered Status and the Order is issued, a PO balance will appear on the Order view (only) As long as all payments are processed directly through MFMP the PO balance will be updated Click the IR link to be taken to the IR to view the invoice and the payment information, including the warrant # Only IRs in a “Paid” status will affect the PO balance. IR’s rejected, or in an approving or reconciling status will not be reflected in the PO balance Page - 39
Viewing Payment Information DO View Click the IR link to view the IR PO Balance shows the total amount of the PO minus the total of all IR’s in paid status Page - 40
Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Creating a Requisition Viewing Payment Information Receiving Commodities Invoices Approving Services Change Orders Cancel Requisition Advanced Topics Questions & Answers Page - 41
Receiving Commodities Timely receipting must be completed by the Desktop Receiver (Requester or OBO) or the Central Receiver – whatever method your agency employs Chapter 215.422, Florida Statutes, requires that goods and/or services must be inspected and approved within five (5) calendar days of the physical receipt The receivers should not wait until an invoice is received, or Finance & Accounting is contacting them to complete their receiving report For orders in a Received Status, you will be able to view Payment history on the receipt Page - 42
Receiving Commodities Negative Receiving This allows negative receipts to be created and submitted as follows: Reduce the amount of items previously over-received or received in error A Negative Receipt will only be able to be initiated up to the amount previously accepted A Negative Receipt will only be able to be initiated up to the amount previously paid Upon submittal of the negative receipt, an error message is initiated to not accept the change IF payment had already been made. If the item was received and now paid in error, the receiver will need to communicate with their Finance and Accounting staff to handle the overpayment While comments are not required, it is a good business practice to include them in order to document the change Page - 43
Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Creating a Requisition Viewing Payment Information Receiving Commodities Invoices Approving Services Change Orders Cancel Requisition Advanced Topics Questions & Answers Page - 44
Invoices Invoice eForm Under Company eForm you can access your eForms including the Invoice eForm Page - 45
Invoices Invoice eForm Select Invoice eForm Page - 46
Page - 47 Creating an Invoice eForm Enter an appropriate Title following your agency’s standard titling convention. This field allows numbers, letters, and special characters Supplier Invoice # field can contain a maximum of 30 characters, and becomes part of the IR #. The last 9 digits will be sent to FLAIR and will be recorded on the warrant so the number should reflect the vendor’s invoice. Should a number not be provided please refer to your agency’s practices.
Page - 48 Creating an Invoice eForm Supplier Invoice Date: This is the date printed on your vendor invoice Invoice Received Date: Record the date the invoice was received by the office notated in the Bill To section of the purchase order Services Start Date & Services End Date: DFS requires that services start and end dates are entered for all services invoices. Use the dates for the invoice being processed
Page - 49 Creating an Invoice eForm Select the Vendor Location by clicking on the drop down box This must be the exact Vendor Location that is on the purchase order The last five vendors will be displayed. If the vendor you need to invoice is not displayed, select other
Page - 50 Creating an Invoice Reconciliation Enter the total amount of the invoice in the Subtotal field Press the Next button to select an Order to invoice against Supplier Name will populate with the Vendor Location choice
Page - 51 Creating an Invoice Reconciliation. Invoicing without Order/ Release?: For invoices against orders select “No”. For invoices directly against a contract (MA###), select “Yes” Purchase Order: Press the select button the search for your Order
Creating an Invoice Reconciliation Page - 52 Once the Order has been selected. Press the Generate Invoice button to display all the lines of the order
Page - 53 Creating an Invoice Reconciliation If your order has multiple lines and you are not invoicing against the entire order, check the item that you’d like to delete and press the Delete button If another line item needs to be added (i.e. for shipping), you can Add a new line item which will need all information to be populated NOTE: Although you have the option to copy a line item, it is not recommended Enter in the quantity and amount that is being invoiced Note: Ensure the appropriate order line number is in the Line # box
Creating an Invoice Reconciliation To add a copy of the invoice as required by DFS, or any other attachment: Read the disclaimer and Check the checkbox indicating your compliance Click the Add Attachment button Review the eForm for accuracy. If no changes are necessary, press the Submit button to create your IR
Approving Services When an IR gets generated the OBO must review and approve the IR (for services ONLY) Invoices will appear under Reconcile, click the Invoice link to be taken to your invoice queue By approving the IR, you are acknowledging that services have been provided Page - 55
Approving Services NOTE: When reviewing your invoices, always work from the oldest transaction date to the most recent You can access the invoice by clicking on the ID (IR) link or selecting the Reconcile button Page - 56
Approving Services To view the details of your IR before you approve click on the Invoice Tab or the Invoice eForm link Page - 57
Approving Services The Invoice Tab shows details from the Invoice eForm, to see the actual scanned invoice from the supplier you must go to the Invoice eForm itself Page - 58
Approving Services Upon final review of the invoice, when you are ready to approve, click the Submit button Page - 59
Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Creating a Requisition Viewing Payment Information Receiving Commodities Invoices Approving Services Change Orders Cancel Requisition Advanced Topics Questions & Answers Page - 60
Change Orders A change order should be initiated to make any changes to an order: The vendor will be notified of the change order For encumbered orders, the new information will be transmitted to FLAIR to affect the encumbrance as appropriate A change button may not be viewable on the requisition for the following reasons: An IR is in an “ing” status (reconciling, approving, rejecting) A change order has already been initiated on that order and is in Composing or Submitted status Anytime a change order is initiated it will go through the same approval flow as the original version (unless the initiator has the CO No Workflow group) Most information can be changed with the exception of the vendor When the change order is sent to the Vendor, they are notified of what exactly was changed on the order Page - 61
Change Orders Click the Change button to edit the requisition The PR # will version with a V2, V3, V4, etc. Locate your requisition through your folders, Status link or via a System Search Page - 62
Change Orders The name of the person initiating the change will appear in the “Change Initiated By” field Page - 63
Change Orders The requisition is now populated with “V2” which means this is the second version of the purchase order Page - 64
Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Creating a Requisition Viewing Payment Information Receiving Commodities Invoices Approving Services Change Orders Cancel Requisition Advanced Topics Questions & Answers Page - 65
Cancel Requisition As a general rule, purchase orders are only canceled if the non- received goods and/or services are no longer needed Depending on your agency’s business rules, a Cancellation Approver will populate in the approval flow for any cancellation request, or may only populate based on the amount of the purchase. If you have any questions about this process, please contact your Agency Purchasing Office The recommended way to cancel a requisition is to access the Company eForms and select the Cancel Requisition eForm Page - 66
Cancel Requisition From the Home Page, click on Company eForm Page - 67
Cancel Requisition Click on the Cancel Requisition link Page - 68
Cancel Requisition Give the eForm an appropriate title Press Select to choose the PR you wish to cancel Page - 69
Cancel Requisition Search using the PR #, then click Select Note: If the PR you wish to cancel cannot be cancelled the search will return no results Page - 70
Cancel Requisition Comments are not required but are a good business practice, especially when cancelling an order When finished, click Submit Page - 71
Cancel Requisition When a cancellation has been initiated (like a change order) a new version created. In this example, the cancellation is V2 of the original requisition The status changes to “Canceled” The Cancel Requisition eForm # appears The line item(s) reduce to “0” and move to the Deleted Line Items section Page - 72
Cancel Requisition If the order was encumbered, follow-up to ensure the encumbrance has been released If the confirmation message does not appear to confirm the encumbrance has been released within two days, contact your Purchasing and/or Finance and Accounting professionals for assistance Page - 73
Agenda MFMP Overview System Basics Creating a Requisition Viewing Payment Information Receiving Commodities Invoices Approving Services Change Orders Cancel Requisition Advanced Topics Questions & Answers Page - 74
Vendors with Invalid Data Vendors with Invalid Data have invalid fax number, phone number, or email address A report of these vendors is provided monthly to Purchasing and Finance & Accounting liaisons You can determine if a vendor has Invalid Data by looking at the supplier Information. This will contain the letters “ID” and a date. This is the date the vendor was determined to have invalid data Page - 75
Vendors that have been set for Inactivation When a vendor’s registration account is set to an inactive status (inactive or suspended),any outstanding transactions with the vendor will not be able to be completed in MyFloridaMarketPlace This impacts requisitions, orders, master agreement release orders, and invoices Weekly a communication is sent to the ‘Purchasing and F&A Liaisons’ email distribution list. A warning message will display on the transaction indicating “Vendor has been deleted” When this warning message displays, the user needs to follow the directions outlined in the “Required User Actions Impacted by Vendor Inactivation's” table in the “Vendor Inactivation: Buyer Actions Job Aid” to appropriately close out any outstanding transactions Page - 76
Vendors that have been set for Inactivation If the order was encumbered, follow-up to ensure the encumbrance has been released If the confirmation message does not appear to confirm the encumbrance has been released within two days, contact your Purchasing and/or Finance and Accounting professionals for assistance When it is determined that a vendor will be Inactivated, they will be inactivated in the system With NO Transactions pending – within a day With outstanding transactions – on the last day of the following month Page - 77
Page - 78 Failing FLAIR Integration When an encumbered requisition fails FLAIR Integration, a comment will appear from FLAIR Integration on the bottom of your requisition (at the header level) explaining which line item caused the requisition to fail A separate comment is placed on the denoted line item explaining the reason for the failure Page - 78
Page - 79 Failing FLAIR Integration Line Item Comment-Encumbrance Record Is Not On File- This occurs when your encumbrance for that specific line item has been completely paid out which causes FLAIR to close out that encumbrance line In order to successfully process your change order, add a new line or complete a new requisition, as appropriate Page - 79
Page - 80 Failing FLAIR Integration Line Item Comment – Insufficient Available Balance - MFMP checks the available balance much like FLAIR to ensure budget availability. If Budget is unavailable, you will receive this error Check with your budget professional to confirm that budget is available for the purchase. Your budget professional should be able to provide additional budget source Page - 80
Page - 81 Failing FLAIR Integration Line Item Comment – Expansion Option Record Not on File - This occurs when your Expansion Option (EO) and Version combination are not valid in FLAIR In order to successfully process this requisition, verify that the EO and Version selected are correct, if not update your choice appropriately. However, if your EO and/or Version are not allowing you to process your requisition and you have validated that they are correct in FLAIR, please contact BuyerHelp Page - 81
Page - 82 Folders If your capacity nears 5,000 items, you should: Delete some of the files Deleting items from your folder, does not delete them from MFMP. They will still be searchable through the System Searches If your folder exceeds this number, you will receive an inquiry from the CSD Helpdesk requesting that you delete some of the items Page - 82
Confidential Information Confidential Information that is directly related to an individual is prohibited from being included in MFMP. This includes information included in the comments field, line item description as well as attachments. Including such information in MFMP may violate F.S. 119.071 as well as comparable federal regulations relating to confidentiality such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Agency specific questions about confidential information should be directed to their agency’s HIPAA compliance officer or General Counsel’s Office It is the agency’s responsibility to redact this information prior to posting it to MFMP. Workflow approvals that are included in MFMP offer the opportunity for multiple customers to identify and take action against a transaction that includes confidential information, including initiating the Confidential Information Purge Request process. The form and process are posted on the MFMP toolkit under Job Aids Page - 83
Confidential Information Examples of confidential information include, but are not limited to, the following items: Names All elements of dates (except year) directly related to an individual, including birth date, admission date, discharge date, and date of death Telephone numbers Electronic mail addresses Social security numbers Medical record numbers Health plan beneficiary numbers Account numbers Certificate/license numbers All geographic subdivisions smaller than a state, including street addresses, city, county and zip codes Page - 84
Resources SPURSview Commodity Code and Vendor Searches MFMP Toolkit View and use the information to remain up to date on training tools, tips, communications, etc: MyFloridaMarketPlace Hot Topics Training Programs/Resources Meeting Materials (presentations and minutes) Forms Job Aids, etc. Vendor Performance Tracking: The link will be the last one available on your shortcut menu on your ‘Home’ page This link allows you to submit as well as view vendor ratings Page - 85
Kasey Bickley, CPPB, FCCM Purchasing Process Analyst (850) 294-0494 Anne Rabon, LSSG F&A Process Analyst (850) 294-0739 Eric SwansonVendor Management Analyst (850) 487-9981 Amy Smyth Zeigler, M.S., PMP Communications Analyst (850) 294-3080 Rachael Lieblick, PMP, FCCM Operations Manager (850) 414-6735 Thank you for your attendance. We’re here to help. Contact the Customer Service Desk at 1-866-352-3776 or or the MFMP Team with any questions that you may Page - 86
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