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Voltaire The Total Carbon Observing Network: Measurement of Non-CO 2 GHG Washenfelder Yavin.

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Presentation on theme: "Voltaire The Total Carbon Observing Network: Measurement of Non-CO 2 GHG Washenfelder Yavin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voltaire The Total Carbon Observing Network: Measurement of Non-CO 2 GHG Washenfelder Yavin

2 Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) Sites


4 Solar Spectrum Recorded in Park Falls, Wisconsin InGaAs Detector Si Diode Detector Wavelength (cm -1 ) Transmission CO 2 O2O2 O2O2 Single spectrum recorded at 9:30 am on 9 Sept 2004. Resolution = 0.02 cm -1. CO CH4 N2O HF


6 Oxygen (O 2 ) – (0–0) 1∆ g – 3Σ g


8 We are currently using a “profile scaling” method. Analysis Method A seasonally-dependent profile (left) is scaled until the calculated spectrum best matches the observed spectrum. Sensitivity to CO 2 at various altitudes is similar, but not identical (right).


10 CH 4 and N 2 O: influence of stratosphere on column abundance P [ ]/[M] P HF CH 4 or N 2 O HF CH 4 or N 2 O Lower Tropopause = smaller N2O and CH4 columns, even with invariant tropospheric mixing ratios

11 N 2 O and CH 4 columns significantly influenced by tropopause variability

12 Park Falls & Los Angeles – carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide & methane



15 GWP = 3.6e-4 x 300 = 12% of CO 2 GWP GWP = 2.5e-3 x 25 = 6.5% of CO 2 GWP



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