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EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 TE-EPC Activities during LS1 V. Montabonnet [TE-EPC]

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Presentation on theme: "EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 TE-EPC Activities during LS1 V. Montabonnet [TE-EPC]"— Presentation transcript:

1 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 TE-EPC Activities during LS1 V. Montabonnet [TE-EPC]

2 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 Scope V. Montabonnet TE-EPC2 LS1 & TE-EPC Activities TE-EPC Organisation TE-EPC Feedbacks

3 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 LS1 TE-EPC Activities V. Montabonnet TE-EPC3 LS1 = 94x group activities as defined in PLAN LS1 was mainly LHC and SPS in term of activity volume. LS2 will have more activities and more scattered around the different machines

4 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 LS1 & SPS Consolidation V. Montabonnet TE-EPC4 Transformers Earth switches Thyristor stacks18kV cables SPS

5 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 LS1 & Static Var Compensators V. Montabonnet TE-EPC5 New 400V double-source Cooling plant consolidationNew Coils New earthing switches New CapacitorsMaintenance of resistors

6 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 LS1 & LHC Some Figures 61 converters relocated [R2E Project] 2600 DC cable disconnection for ELQA tests 1892 Lock-outs V. Montabonnet TE-EPC6

7 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 LS1 & LHC 14500 Output Module diodes replaced 4725 crimped hoses replaced (4.3km) 2500 fans installed 750 PSU upgraded (60A) 460 PSU upgraded for R2E (600A) V. Montabonnet TE-EPC7

8 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 LHC & CSCM Tests Heavy modifications of the RB converters for the tests 6 monthsof preparation and tests 1 Engineer [Part Time], 1 Technician and 2 electromechanical technicians at full time V. Montabonnet TE-EPC8

9 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 TE-EPC Organisation What worked well Preparation Work breakdown structure Work package analysis (scope, person responsible, resource requirements, procedures, time and cost estimation, status/reporting, dead line) Workload & planning for internal support resources V. Montabonnet TE-EPC9

10 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 TE-EPC Organisation What worked well Organisation New FSUs resource allocation (x2 for BE-09 and TE-05) Setting of internal group priorities Mobilisation of TE-EPC different teams with a dynamic allocation (FSUs, staff …) Accountability & engagement of the teams Lessons learned Keep points Anticipation & Preparation Limitation Manpower during installation/maintenance & tests phases V. Montabonnet TE-EPC10

11 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 TE-EPC & LS1 Coordination What worked well Work package Analysis - Useful for co-activity, constraints and service support identification Flexibility given by the Coordination Team - Useful to manage priority all around CERN complex and access constraints Trust and very good communication with the Coordination Team V. Montabonnet TE-EPC11

12 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 TE-EPC & LS1 Coordination V. Montabonnet TE-EPC12 What could be improved Don’t forget to plan Infrastructure Maintenance for TE-EPC Test Beds Maintenance of SVC’s related to the ‘Réseau Stable’ Cleaning Activities at the end of LS1 Access constraints to be reported in the Access Conditions Web Page and/or ADAMS’s database (Access to Accelerators)Access Conditions Web PageAccess to Accelerators

13 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 Electrical Safety What worked well Centralisation of the Demande de Travaux on LHC circuit DC side Identification of the different types of hazards and risk assessment (procedure, VIC …) Central planification Role appointment clearly identified for LHC circuit consignation V. Montabonnet TE-EPC13

14 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 Electrical Safety What could be improved LHC Electrical Safety Organisation not well known by everybody at the beginning of LS1. Could be part of a SIR training module In Injector complex, role appointment for Circuit Consignation not clearly identified Need a same organisation as for the LHC ? V. Montabonnet TE-EPC14

15 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 Tests & Organisation What could be improved Some tests requesting power converters arrived very late (LHC Energy Extraction System Test, Access & EIS validation …) Need a clear list of tests Need for each test: Testpackage Analysis to identify safety issue, the contribution of the different groups/services, the time needed Procedures in advance Assignment of Coordination Work V. Montabonnet TE-EPC15

16 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 Test & Quality Assurance What could be improved For LHC Normal Conducting Magnet Circuit & Injector Circuit, develop Automatic Test Sequences as for the LHC Cold Circuits for Quality Assurance V. Montabonnet TE-EPC16 Same tests every year Better traceability of the tests and their results Better detection of performance deviation

17 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 Tests & Planification What worked well Test Levelling (machine by machine) - very useful for manpower issue Time for tests. Their duration cannot be shrunk. V. Montabonnet TE-EPC17

18 EDMS N° 1501918 V.1 Conclusions LS1 was successful with 100% of the baseline completed Good and effective organisation Positive feedback and very good collaboration with coordination team & services Safety and tests issues could be improved V. Montabonnet TE-EPC18


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