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Essential Skill Requirements Professional Development Tool for District/School Use Fall 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Skill Requirements Professional Development Tool for District/School Use Fall 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Skill Requirements Professional Development Tool for District/School Use Fall 2010

2 Overview Key Elements Required for the Essential Skills in the Oregon Diploma What are Essential Skills? What are the Timelines? How can students meet Essential Skills? What are local responsibilities? How do Data Teams or Professional Learning Communities fit in? Reality v Rumor Additional Resources

3 What are Essential Skills?

4 Essential Skills process skills foundational for learning equip students to be successful in college, workplace, & community learn & apply essential skills in all subject areas

5 Essential Skills Read and comprehend a variety of text Write clearly and accurately Apply mathematics in a variety of settings Listen actively and speak clearly and coherently Think critically and analytically Use technology to learn, live, and work Demonstrate civic and community engagement Demonstrate global literacy Demonstrate personal management & teamwork skills

6 Essential Skill Implementation Class of 2012 and beyond Reading Class of 2013 and beyond Reading & Writing Class of 2014 and beyond Reading, Writing & Mathematics

7 Essential Skills Graduation Requirement Subject Beginning for This Year’s Graduating Class of Reading Writing Math 11 th graders 10 th graders 9 th graders 2012 2013 2014

8 How Can Students Meet Essential Skill Requirements?

9 3 Options to Meet Essential Skills State Assessments -- OAKS State Board Approved Standardized Tests Work Samples Scored with State Scoring Guides Future Option: Local Assessments meeting criteria established by State Board

10 State Board Approved Tests (with required score levels) ReadingApplying Math OAKS236 ACT1819 PLAN1819 Work Keys55 Compass8166 (Intermediate Algebra Test) ASSET4241 (Intermediate Algebra Test) SAT440450 PSAT4445

11 Work Sample Requirements for Essential Skills Reading – 2 Work Samples Writing – 3 Work Samples Mathematics – 2 Work Samples Work Samples must be scored using the Official State Scoring Guide

12 Reading Requirements 2 reading work samples, at least one of which must be informative  (1 informative + 1 literary or 2 informative) Total score of 12 or higher  6 point scale  3 traits (Demonstrate Understanding, Develop Interpretation, Analyze Text)  no trait lower than 3  Scores of 4, 4, 4 or a combination of 3, 4, 5

13 Writing Requirements 3 Writing Work Samples  1 expository  1 persuasive  1 narrative Score: 4 on four required traits  Ideas/Content, Organization, Sentence Fluency, Conventions  6 point scale

14 Math Problem Solving Requirements 2 Math Work Samples (choose 2 of 3 strands)  geometry  algebraic relationships  statistics/probability Score: 4 on each trait + Accuracy  Conceptual Understanding, Processes & Strategies, Verification, Communication  6 point scale

15 What are local responsibilities?

16 Local Responsibilities ■ Opportunity to Learn  Provide access to content, resources, instructional processes  Provide targeted instruction and remediation as needed ■ Opportunity to Show Proficiency  OAKS Assessments, other tests as determined by district, work samples  Multiple options and multiple opportunities (continued on next slide)

17 Local Responsibilities continued ■ Use of existing Data Teams or PLC’s  Groups within a school that have been working with data and setting priorities will be instrumental in local Essential Skill plans ■ Professional Development  Assure staff has knowledge, skills, and resources to instruct content, administer assessments, design work samples and score work samples ■ Record Keeping and Data Collection  Keep accurate records of student progress  Provide data required on Cumulative ADM report

18 Essential Skills How do Data Teams and PLC’s fit in ?

19 Data Team / PLC Connections 5 step process Collect student assessment data Analyze the data Set Goals Select Instructional Strategies Determine results indicators

20 Using Essential Skills Scoring Guides Data teams select content or priority standards aligned to Essential Skills Official Oregon Scoring Guides can be used to measure pre- and post-assessment Data teams analyze data Select appropriate instructional strategies to meet essential skills requirements Re-assess as appropriate, using approved tests or state scoring guides

21 Essential Skills Reality vs. Rumor

22 Retention of Student Work Samples Districts must retain all work samples for all students Districts must retain documentation of student scores Districts determine whether to keep or return work samples RUMOR Citation: p. N-9 of the 2010-11Test Administration Manual Resource Location: REALITY

23 Score Requirements for Work Samples A student must achieve the required score each individual work sample. A student may combine scores from multiple work samples REALITYRUMOR Citation: p. N-7 of the 2010 -11Test Administration Manual Resource Location:

24 RUMOR Students may not revise work samples that do not meet the standard REALITY Students may revise work samples Revised work samples must reflect independent efforts Revising Work Samples Citation: p. N-8 of the 2010-11 Test Administration Manual Resource Location:

25 Work samples must be double-scored. REALITY Only one rating is required. Districts may establish procedures for double scoring all work samples or for double scoring work samples that nearly meet the standard. RUMOR Scoring Work Samples Citation: p. N-7 of the 2010 -11Test Administration Manual Resource Location:

26 Work samples may not be word- processed. Spell- and grammar- check features must be disabled for work samples. REALITY Work samples may be word-processed. It is not necessary to disable spell- and grammar-check features. RUMOR Use of Word Processors for Work Samples Citation: p. N-5 of the 2010-11 Test Administration Manual Resource Location:

27 Essential Skills Additional Resources ODE Website Essential Skills Pages Work Sample Pages Test Administration Manual Assessment of Essential Skills Toolkit

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