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The TEN Principles of Design Artists use these when creating their work. All principles may not be present, but every artist will use more than one.

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Presentation on theme: "The TEN Principles of Design Artists use these when creating their work. All principles may not be present, but every artist will use more than one."— Presentation transcript:

1 The TEN Principles of Design Artists use these when creating their work. All principles may not be present, but every artist will use more than one.

2 The TEN Principles of Design: 1.Repetition 2.Pattern 3.Rhythm 4.Movement 5.Contrast 6.Proportion 7.Balance 8.Emphasis 9.Variety 10.Unity

3 Repetition

4 Images are repeated more than once for visual effect.

5 Repetition of Shape

6 Repetition in Imagery: objects that have something in common are repeated. Here, we see poppies & trees.

7 B Repetition of Imagery


9 Pattern Planned repetition of one or more elements of art…shapes, lines, textures….

10 Pattern can vary in size, shape, and color.


12 Repetition : images are repeated more than once for effect. More Wallpaper

13 Rhythm Indicates a type of movement in an artwork or design, often by repeated shapes, lines, or colors. A piece of art can have rhythm by making your eyes travel from one component to another.



16 Movement Creating a feeling of action (or a series of actions) that guides the viewer’s eye through the work.

17 French painter Degas was famous for movement.

18 Seurat

19 Wire & Bronze Sculptures Incorporate Movement

20 Contrast Differences in values, colors, textures, and other elements to achieve emphasis and interest.



23 Proportion A comparative size relationship between objects. In figure drawing and painting, the correct relationship between the size of the head and the body.


25 Really BAD proportion!

26 Balance The visual equalization of the elements in a work of art.

27 Symmetrical Designs sdg

28 Symmetrical Designs: The artwork is visually divided in half. Objects are similar on each half of the artwork.

29 Symmetry

30 Symmetry surrounds us.

31 It’s in Architecture… Symmetry

32 In Homes… Symmetry

33 Asymmetrical Designs – objects that are non-similar on each side. sdg

34 Asymmetry

35 Who painted this? Asymmetry

36 Asymmetry in Architecture


38 Asymmetry in Homes

39 Radial Balance: a kind of balance where the elements branch or radiate out from a central point. sdg

40 Radial Balance in Art

41 Radial Balance in Nature

42 Radial Balance in a Labyrinth sdg

43 Helps one element or area to be more important than the other parts. Emphasis



46 How artists add interest to works of art, designs, advertisements, etc. Variety

47 Interest with various fibers


49 Unity Pattern Unity: Arrangements of the artwork to create a coherent whole. How does this picture match the mood of the colors and background of this painting?



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