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ISA Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®) Program

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1 ISA Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®) Program
Thank you for inviting me to speak to you today about ISA’s Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST).

2 Why a Certification Program?
Benefits Employers Ensures a high level of skill and competency Promotes safe practices Serves as an objective third-party tool to bring employees to the same level of accountability Qualification tool for new hires and contractors Way to establish a pay for performance system Let’s first answer the question – What’s the Value of a Certification Program to both individuals and industry? Certification programs provide benefits to the employer and to the individual. A certification program provides a mechanism for an employer to ensure a high level of skill and competency of employees and set a standard level of knowledge and skill for employees. Highly skilled employees help ensure that proper safety practices are used in a facility, protecting the workplace and public safety. As you all know, more and more outsourcing of engineering functions has occurred in recent years. A certification program provides a standard tool to qualify new hires and contractors and can be used by industry to establish a pay for performance system. Certification will have a tremendous impact on the entire industry in the years to come, because as competition for market share increases, so does demand for proven, qualified employees.

3 Sampling of Employers Who Support CCST
Alyeska Pipeline Service Ashland Chemical BASF Bay-Tec Engineering Bechtel Construction Company Boehringer-Ingleheim – Roxanne Laboratories BP Oil Cargill Central Maine Power Co. City of Detroit Cleveland Electric & Power Colorado Springs Utilities Coors Brewing Co. District of Columbia Sewer & Water Authority Dupont Eli Lilly Emerson Process Management GE Plastics Honeywell Inc. Jacobs Engineering Kellogg, Brown & Root Maverick Technologies Meade Electric Company Merck Michigan Consolidated Gas Motorola Noramco Oklahoma Gas & Electric Pfizer Rohm & Haas Southern Company Total Petrochemical Tropicana Products Inc. Valero Xcel Engery There are hundreds of companies in a variety of industries that have supported their employees participation in CCST. Here are just a few of those companies.

4 Why a Certification Program?
Benefits Individuals Establishes a professional identity Provides documentation and recognition of knowledge, experience and education Opportunities for promotion, pay increases, job portability Encourages life long learning and professional development Certification programs also provide benefits to the individual by establishing a professional identity and providing documentation of the individuals knowledge, experience and education to current and prospective employers. A recent survey done by NSPE, the National Society for Professional Engineers, confirmed that the more education and certifications that engineers have, the higher their annual income is. So certification provides the individual a greater opportunity for promotion, pay increases, and job portability. Most individuals study and prepare for certification exams and renewals. So, certification programs encourage life long learning and professional development.

5 About the CCST Program CCST was introduced in 1995
Over 9,000 technicians have applied 70% apply at Level I 12% apply at Level II 18% apply at Level III Nearly 4,000 currently certified as ISA CCSTs Eligibility requirements Level I years education / experience Level II years education / experience Level III years education / experience Pass multiple choice exam (Levels I and III) or simulation exam (Level II) ISA’s Certified Control System Technician Program was introduced in Since that time, over 9,000 technicians have applied to become a CCST. As you can see, a majority of applicants apply for Level 1 which accounts for 70% of the applicants. At this time, over 4,000 technicians are qualified as CCST’s. The CCST program has three levels of certification. Each level has an increasingly higher experience/education level. In order to sit for the Level I exam, a technician must have at least 5 years of related education and experience; for the Level II exam, at least 7 years of education and experience is required; and for the Level III exam, at least 13 years of education and experience are required.

6 Who is a CCST? CCSTs are knowledgeable and skilled in CCSTs understand
pneumatic mechanical, and electronic instrumentation CCSTs understand process control loops, and process control systems including computer based systems An ISA Certified Control Systems Technician or CCST is knowledgeable and skilled in pneumatic, mechanical, and electronic instrumentation. CCSTs must demonstrate an understanding of process control loops and process control systems including computer based systems.

7 CCST Performance Domains
Calibration Loop checking Troubleshooting Start-up Maintenance/repair Project organization Administration There are seven key performance domains that CCST’s are tested on. The domains are listed on the slide. The CCST must demonstrate knowledge and skills in Calibration Loop checking Troubleshooting Start-up Maintenance and repair Project organization, and Administration

8 How Can I Prepare for CCST Exam?
List of Resources on at “Prepare” link CCST Level I, II, and III Study Guides CCST Level I Review Course Technician Guide Series of books

9 How Do I Apply? Apply online or download an application from Document your experience and employment history Complete and return the application to ISA You will be notified of your eligibility to take the exam and provided an eligibility number Visit to select a testing center and date to take the exam Take the exam and receive your score immediately upon completion at the testing center

10 ISA Certification Programs
CSE CAP CCST Available U.S. Only X Available Globally Focus on Process Control Focus on Automation Engineering License Work Experience Required Engineering Degree Required Varies by State 4 Yr Technical Degree Required X* No Degree Required As many of you know, ISA also supports the development of the Control Systems Engineer (CSE) license exam and offers a third certification program for maintenance mechanics called the Certified Industrial Maintenance Mechanic (CIMM) program. Each of these programs address a different audience and market. This chart helps clarify some of the distinctions among the certification and licensure programs. The Certified Control Systems Technician program is a certification program for control systems technicians. It is not required that CCST applicants hold an educational degree and most applicants to the program work in a process industry. The Control Systems Engineer license is offered through state engineering boards and is a legal license to practice engineering. This engineering license can only be granted by a state engineering board. The degree requirements to sit for the CSE vary by state. Some states require an engineering degree and others do not. Again, the focus is on process control and most of the applicants work in process industries. CAP is a certification, not a legal license to practice engineering. CAP is available globally and focuses not only process control but discrete control, motion control, drive control, systems integration, etc. While CAPs require a 4 year technical degree (except for the initial two years of the program) it must be a technical degree but does not have to be an engineering degree. CIMM is a certification for maintenance mechanics who perform work that is primarily mechanical in nature such as corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance. CIMMs are not required to have a degree. They must have a combination of 5 years work and education experience to be eligible to sit for the certification exam (a minimum of 3 of the 5 years must be work experience as a maintenance mechanic). *Without 4 Yr Technical Degree 10 years of Automation experience is required

11 For More Information Online: Phone: For more detailed information on ISA certification programs, visit the ISA website or contact ISA. Thank you for the opportunity to talk with you about ISA certification programs.

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