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THE TOP VEGAN COMPANIES. The word “vegan” was created in 1944 by Donald Watson as he co- founded the prominent Vegan Society in England. At the beginning,

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2 The word “vegan” was created in 1944 by Donald Watson as he co- founded the prominent Vegan Society in England. At the beginning, the word “vegan” was used to signify a “non-dairy vegetarian,” and then interest in veganism elevated. By the year 2010, vegan stores had opened up around the world, and vegan options became obtainable in more grocery stores and restaurants. To be a “vegan” is to not use animal products, specifically in your diet, as well as upholding a connected philosophy that rejects the product status of animals. To cater to this trending environmental awareness amongst the population, vegan companies have sprung up which manage to create significant cultural change and innovation. Here are some of the top vegan companies we’ve found out there today:

3 1. The Vegetarian Society The Vegetarian Society is a long-time leader for vegetarianism plus vegan awareness. Created in 1847, they maintain a vision for a society persuaded to adopt the veganism way of life and experience a love of all animals great or small.

4 Amy’s Kitchen Amy’s Kitchen provided the very first type of convenient vegetarian frozen dinners to North America. Their products are extremely vegan-friendly and offer products labeled as vegan. Amy’s Kitchen places themselves in an excellent position to show how to use organic elements, while thinking about the environment for business growth.

5 3. Real Food Daily Real Food Daily Real Food Daily is a vegan restaurant in Los Angeles. Using mainly organic elements and supplying a Zen atmosphere, its success (in two locations) sets a good example of how an eco-conscious vegan restaurant can contend with the very best restaurants available.

6 4. My Vegan Directory My Vegan DirectoryMy Vegan Directory helps to connect travel and hospitality business to vegan vacationers around the globe. Vacationers can check it before they decide on a holiday and use it to organize places to stay and visit at their destination city.

7 5. Tofurky Since the first Tofurky roast in 1995, this innovative vegan business has been providing meat alternatives that match popular culture. Both vegetarians and vegans are covered come Thanksgiving and Christmas events, with their premium range of meat-free products. Tofurky has demonstrated that there’s an industry for meat alternatives, and they’ve inspired a number of other companies to develop new vegan items of their own.Tofurky

8 6. The Vegan Society The Vegan SocietyThe Vegan Society is an optimistic organization that enlightens people concerning the joys of creating vegan choices. This organization is especially beneficial for vegetarians who are considering making a change to a vegan lifestyle.

9 7. Tom’s of Maine Tom’s of MaineTom’s of Maine produces vegan products for your personal care, such as tooth paste, mouth wash, and many other hygiene items. The recycled packaging along with ethical standards set a higher bar for rivals to reach.

10 8. Seventh Generation Seventh GenerationSeventh Generation supplies items which are naturally vegan and recycled. The company was founded on the mission to “think about the next seven decades” when creating their product line. This message is passed on to the customer through innovative packaging and labeling options. Seventh Generation provides a myriad of paper items, from mouthwash to diapers and skin cleansers and liquids which are never tested on animals.

11 9. Moo Shoes Moo ShoesMoo Shoes is a shoe store situated in New York City which only sells vegan footwear products. Moo Shoes has already established success since it opened up its doors, which just goes to show the potential market for vegan footwear and clothing products.

12 With public interest turning to environmental issues, and a raised global awareness of animal cruelty in product manufacture, it’s clear that these vegan companies are taking advantage of an upcoming global trend. Making a more conscious purchase has never been easier, and with the emergence of businesses such as these, it’s only going to get easier to find sustainable alternatives for everyday products. VEGAN COMPANIES ARE CLIMBING THE LADDER

13 Website: https://www.freshnlean.com Fresh 'n Lean (888) 420-4080 REFERENCES Questions? Comments? We are happy to help you!

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