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The Roman Empire Lisa M. Lane History 103. The big issues of a big empire emperors technology Rome the city barbarians Christianity.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roman Empire Lisa M. Lane History 103. The big issues of a big empire emperors technology Rome the city barbarians Christianity."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roman Empire Lisa M. Lane History 103


3 The big issues of a big empire emperors technology Rome the city barbarians Christianity

4 imperial power, insanity and the lead theory

5 noria Technology: water power

6 Vitruvian water wheels and mills

7 Technology: roads

8 Via Appia

9 city streets David Macauley’s “Rome”

10 Technology: aqueducts David Macauley’s “Rome”

11 Rome, the city Crassus’ fire department

12 Rome, the city bread and circuses

13 Civilized Romans Braun & Schneider Historyic Costume in Pictures (NY: Dover 19

14 Barbarians Braun & Schneider Historyic Costume in Pictures (NY: Dover 1975)

15 Migration, not invasion

16 Sol (December 25) Mithraism Plato Stoicism Hellenized Judaism Hellenized EgyptResistance to Rome Adapted Zoroastrianism Paul Masada

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