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William Carlos Williams The Red Wheelbarrow This Is Just to Say 陈少雄 刘依婷 汪洋.

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Presentation on theme: "William Carlos Williams The Red Wheelbarrow This Is Just to Say 陈少雄 刘依婷 汪洋."— Presentation transcript:

1 William Carlos Williams The Red Wheelbarrow This Is Just to Say 陈少雄 刘依婷 汪洋

2 What is Imagism Poems?

3 Imagism Poems As a poetic style Imagism gave Modernism its start in the early 20th century, and is considered to be the first organized Modernist literary movement in the English language. “abandoning conventional poetic materials and versification, is free to choose any subject and to create its own rhythms, uses common speech, and presents an image or vivid sensory description that is clear and concentrated.” From Wikipedia

4 Thomas Ernest Hulme (1883-1917)(British) Made contribution to the forming of Modernism Father of Imagism Created Imagism club Pound being a member Momentary impression → One dominant image

5 The first Imagism Poem Autumn A touch of cold in the Autumn night— I walked abroad, And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge Like a red-faced farmer. I did not stop to speak, but nodded, And round above were the wistful stars With white faces like town children. 秋 王道余 译 秋夜感凉意。 步庭里, 却见晕月斜倚篱, 红脸农夫何似! 未停语,点头时, 周天群星皆沉思, 恰似城里儿童白脸皮。

6 1. specific images 2. functional 3.Rhythm should be composed by the musical phrase rather than the metronome( 节 拍 ) “Imagism” From F. S. Flint “Imagism” 3 Principles

7 sound touch odour taste bodily sensation mixed

8 Image itself is a language Chinese Ancient Poetry Haiku

9 Traditionally Haiku is a Japanese poetic form. It is typically characterised by three qualities: 1. The essence------"cutting" ( 切る ) 2. The form--------- consisting of 17 ONs ( 音 ) 3. The main topic----kigo ( 季語 ) Modern Haiku is no longer restricted by the second and third rules but the use of juxtaposition continues to be honored in both traditional and modern haiku

10 Noted Haikus and Tanga 古池 Matsuo Bashō ( 松尾 芭蕉 ) ( ふるいけ ) ( かわず ) ( と ) ( みず ) ( おと ) 古池 や 蛙 飛 びこむ水の音 古池冷落一片静,忽闻青蛙跳水声。 《万叶集》 —— 雷神短歌 Kakinomoto Hitomaro (柿本人麻吕) 鸣神の 少しとよみて さし昙り 雨も降らんか 君を留めん 鸣神の 少しとよみて 降らずとも 我は止まらん 妹し留めば 译文: 隐约雷鸣 阴霾天空 但盼风雨来 能留你在此 隐约雷鸣 阴霾天空 即使天无雨 我亦留此地 In English Version old pond... a frog leaps in water's sound

11 Chinese Ancient Poetry 锦瑟 李商隐 锦瑟无端五十弦,一弦一柱思华年。 庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶,望帝春心托杜鹃。 沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。 此情可待成追忆?只是当时已惘然。 In English Version by Xu Yuanchong Why should the zither sad have fifty strings? Each string, each strain evokes but vanished springs: Dim morning deam to be a butterfly; Amorous heart poured out in cuckoo's cry. In moonlit pearls see tears in mermaid's eyes; With sunburnt mirth let blue jade vaporise! Such feeling cannot be recalled but melt, It seemed long-lost even when it was felt.

12 枫桥夜泊 张继 月落乌啼霜满天, 江枫渔火对愁眠。 姑苏城外寒山寺, 夜半钟声到客船。 MOORING BY MAPLE BRIDGE AT NIGHT Translated by Xu Yuanchong At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky; Dimly lit fishing boats ‘neath maples sadly lie. Beyond the city walls, from Temple of Cold Hill Bells break the ship-borne roamer’s dream and midnight still.

13 1. A new form and style for English poetry 2. A new way of composing, expressing, and conveying 3. A new thinkings derived from the eastern thingkings.

14 About the writer

15 William Carlos Williams (September 17, 1883 – March 4, 1963), was an American poet closely associated with modernism and imagism. modernism and imagism. Besides his writing, Williams had a long career as a physician practicing both pediatrics and general medicine. In addition to poetry (his main literary focus), he occasionally wrote short stories, plays, novels, essays, and translations. William Carlos Williams (September 17, 1883 – March 4, 1963)

16 Robert Frost Wallace Stevens Hilda Doolittle

17 chronology of William Carols Williams In 1920 Published his controversial book Kora in Hell: Improvisations In 1921 Published the Little Review In 1924 Published Spring and All During 1946~1958 Published Epic: Paterson In 1948 & after 1949 Suffered from heart attack & strokes In 1963 Died In 1883 Born in Rutherford, New Jersey During 1902~1906 Studied in medical school of the University of Pensylvania Upon 1906 Graduated from university & interned at both French Hospital & in New York In 1909 Published his first book Poems In 1912 Married Florence Herman Shortly Afterwards Published the Tempers

18 His Opinions about Poetry "Use of simple, direct language"; "To seek truth and beauty in vulgar or common as much as in uncommon"; "Opposed making general statesments or expressing abstract ideas in poetry".

19 The Two Imagism Poems

20 The Red Wheelbarrow


22 "No ideas but in things" “Williams opposed making general statements or expressing abstract ideas in poetry, and avoided complexity and obscure symbolism. ” “He produced lyrics about everyday subjects and the lives of ordinary people in the American industrial town, using clear, concrete language.” The weight of this brief poem rests entirely on the careful description of the thing itself, the actual wheelbarrow, which is not a symbol for anything, but simply exists as it is.

23 And there is no subject in the first two lines, everything is rely on imagination.

24 The white chickens contrasts with the red wheelbarrow The static contrasts with the dynamic Living thing contrasts with object without life Natural object contrasts with man-made object

25 so many things in life depend on such seemingly insignificant entities. Everything depends on such small things in this world.

26 Everything depends on such small things in this world. Summary From the red wheelbarrow. I wondered how many things in life depend on such seemingly insignificant entities. All we have ignored was the importance of those seemingly unimportant things or the simple beauties in our life. I actually like the interpretation that everything depends on nothing, I think that if you look at this poem from the chickens point of view you may see that so much depends on the Red Wheelbarrow. All things are important, just to different people or in this case, creatures(chickens).

27 This is just to say

28 I have eaten The plums That were in The icebox And which You were probably Saving For breakfast Forgive me They were delicious So sweet And so cold N O T E !

29 1: The poet wrote the note leave for WHO? 2: What's the relationship between them? 3: What's the possible themes of the poem? Husband and Wife? Friends? Parents and kids? Strangers?

30 abstract ideas complexity obscure symbolism.

31 Summary Imagism Simple but not superfical Less is more

32  The End

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