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Developing Awareness of the Cross Curricular Competencies Welcome to… With Sandi Berg Purnima Lindsay Curriculum Implementation Support Consultants

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Awareness of the Cross Curricular Competencies Welcome to… With Sandi Berg Purnima Lindsay Curriculum Implementation Support Consultants"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Awareness of the Cross Curricular Competencies Welcome to… With Sandi Berg Purnima Lindsay Curriculum Implementation Support Consultants

2 Agenda Developing Your Understanding 1 2 Implementation 3 Identifying Connections to the POS

3 What Stage Are You?

4 Mini Breakout  Group 1:  Group 2:

5 The Ideal Graduate Group 1: Mini Breakout

6 How Many Can You Name? Group 2: Mini Breakout

7 WHY Are They Important? Group 2: Mini Breakout

8 WHAT Are They?

9 Mini “Riddle”

10 A cross-curricular competency is …an interrelated set of attitudes, skills and knowledge that are drawn upon and applied to a particular context for successful learning and living. They are developed by every student, in every grade and across every subject/discipline area. ~Ministerial Order on Student Learning (#001/2013)

11 A cross-curricular competency is …an interrelated set of attitudes, skills and knowledge that are drawn upon and applied to a particular context for successful learning and living. They are developed by every student, in every grade and across every subject/discipline area. ~Ministerial Order on Student Learning (#001/2013)

12 A cross-curricular competency is …an interrelated set of attitudes, skills and knowledge that are drawn upon and applied to a particular context for successful learning and living. They are developed by every student, in every grade and across every subject/discipline area. ~Ministerial Order on Student Learning (#001/2013)

13 A cross-curricular competency is …an interrelated set of attitudes, skills and knowledge that are drawn upon and applied to a particular context for successful learning and living. They are developed by every student, in every grade and across every subject/discipline area. ~Ministerial Order on Student Learning (#001/2013)

14 A cross-curricular competency is …an interrelated set of attitudes, skills and knowledge that are drawn upon and applied to a particular context for successful learning and living. They are developed by every student, in every grade and across every subject/discipline area. ~Ministerial Order on Student Learning (#001/2013)

15 A cross-curricular competency is …an interrelated set of attitudes, skills and knowledge that are drawn upon and applied to a particular context for successful learning and living. They are developed by every student, in every grade and across every subject/discipline area. ~Ministerial Order on Student Learning (#001/2013)

16 WHO is Responsible for Them?

17 Sorting Activity

18 Ranking My Comfort Level

19 Application to Life Planning a Vacation Applying for a Job Design a Lesson for our class Your Choice

20 Break

21 Frayer Model



24 What CCC did you use most significantly to complete this activity?

25 Connections to Your POS Math Language Arts Science Social Studies Think Critically What CCC did you use most significantly to complete this activity?

26 Lunch

27 Thinking About My Teaching

28 It’s All In the Phrasing Today we are going to learn to think critically. Today we are going to become better at thinking critically.

29 Literacy and Numeracy Activities

30 Grade Three

31 P.O.S. Connections  General Outcome: Grade 1, 2, 3 Develop Number Sense  Grade 2, 3 Use Patterns to Describe the World and Solve Problems  Specific Outcomes and Related Achievement Indicators:  1. Demonstrate an understanding of addition, demonstrate an understanding of mulitiplication (Grade 3)  2. Demonstrate an understanding of increasing patterns (Gr. 2 numbers to 100, Gr. 3 Number to 1000)

32 Lesson Plan(s)  Read the story to the class (a couple times)  Discuss what happens with a partner – then share as class  Have students re-enact story in partners  Discuss number of days in a week  Flexible grouping for working on problems pages. Can use manipulatives to solve  Students share strategies used and solutions

33 Thinking it through…

34 Sample Problems for Six Dinner Sid

35 Lesson Plan with CCC’s  Now, if we were to do this lesson again with the cross curricular competencies in mind, which competency(ies) would you intentionally focus on?

36 Manage Information

37 Apply Multiple Literacies

38 Numeracy Ideas

39 Defend Everything

40 Frayer Models DefinitionCharacteristics Examples Non-examples Perimeter Can’t find perimeter because it is not a closed figure Add only the numbers on the outside of the shape The lengths outside an object added together The distance around the shape The distance around closed figure Outlining of an object V=LxWxH

41 Compare/Contrast

42 Piece It Together

43 How We Plan


45 Your Turn

46 Call to Action What CCC did you use most significantly to complete this activity?

47 Bonfire Start DoingDo Less Of Stop Doing

48 In Closing

49 Purnima Lindsay and Sandi Berg Please return your name tags.

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