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Social Studies, Grade 4, R. Palomares’ Second Life Geography Lesson - Mountains and Mountain Ranges.

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1 Social Studies, Grade 4, R. Palomares’ Second Life Geography Lesson - Mountains and Mountain Ranges

2 Objectives: (6) Geography. The student uses geographic tools to collect, analyze, and interpret data. The student is expected to: (A) apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales, and compass roses, to construct and interpret maps; and (B) translate geographic data, population distribution, and natural resources into a variety of formats such as graphs and maps. (7) Geography. The student understands the concept of regions. The student is expected to: (B) identify, locate, and compare the geographic regions (Mountains), including their landforms, climate, and vegetation; and (C) compare the geographic regions of Texas (Mountains) with regions of the United States and other parts of the world. (8) Geography. The student understands the location and patterns of settlement and the geographic factors that influence where people live.

3 Begin at: 1 1 Welcome to Misty Mountains! Do you think that mountains can be found all around the world? If so why? Response: Yes they are found in every continent! How many different types of mountains are there? Response: There are five basic kinds of mountains: Fold Mountains (Folded Mountains) Fault-block Mountains (Block Mountains) Dome Mountains Volcanic Mountains Plateau Mountains

4 How are mountains classified? Response: Mountains are classified according to the way they were formed. By looking at your surroundings, how would you classify the Misty Mountains? Response: Fold Mountains Fold mountains are the most common type of mountain. The world’s largest mountain ranges are fold mountains. These ranges were formed over millions of years. Fold mountains are formed when two plates collide head on, and their edges crumbled, much the same way as a piece of paper folds when pushed together. Let’s walk up this mountain, In a real scenario, what will happen when you travel up this mountain? Response: You would notice that as you went higher it would become colder.

5 What happens as you travel to higher altitudes? Response: the air is thinner and it is therefore colder. Most mountains are part of long lines called what? Response: They are called mountain ranges. Let’s Zoom out and look all around the Misty mountains and describe what you see. Write it on the text box. These items describe the type of things you would normally find in a Mountain!

6 Now I want you think of the reasons, you would want to go to a mountain? Now as part of your assignment, I want you to to take an journey around the Misty Mountains and answer the questions below? 1. What is your avatar name? 2. What type of languages did the people speak at the Misty Mountains? 3. What is the weather like? 4. What is the land like? Is there snow? What types of plants did you find on the mountain? 5. What type of mountain is it? 6. What types of animals would did you find on the mountain? 7. What clothes and equipment would you need to bring to go on a mountain trip? 8. What are some of the dangers of mountain and how can you avoid them? Conclusion: What I liked about this Lesson in Second Life was that the students could explore, socialize, and participate in their own learning as they go through the Misty Mountains! Saul is next!

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