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The Quiz for the Quizzards DELPHI PRESENTS “BRAINHEAL”

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Presentation on theme: "The Quiz for the Quizzards DELPHI PRESENTS “BRAINHEAL”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Quiz for the Quizzards DELPHI PRESENTS “BRAINHEAL”

2 Rules of Quiz You Google in quiz, you are out of the room Quiz Master is always right In case of Tie, starred Questions throw you to the finals 3 Final teams reserved for one girl participant. Reservation for Girls Preferably Infinite Bounce modeled Prelims has 20 Questions

3 *1. What phrase? In olden days mattresses were supported by ropes. A certain action performed to make a stable mattress and a good night’s rest, gives origin to a simple phrase. What?

4 2. It is 45-foot-tall (14 m), and is 350 feet (110 m) long. It was originally created in 1923 as an advertisement for a local real estate development company “_________land”, it was one of the largest advertisement boards in that era. How do we better know it?

5 3 Who owns the domain name

6 4. Which retail chain was founded by the gentlemen in the pic?

7 5

8 6 From the field of cricket – this is the logo of which team?

9 *7 The Hollywood Wax Museum moved which sportsman after a notorious incident in 1997 downstairs to the Chamber of Horrors?

10 8

11 *9 Which article of clothing, that has gone from Asia to the rest of the world, gets its name from the Persian for “foot” and “clothing”?

12 10 A demonym is a word used to denote a person from a place. Such as “Indians”, “Spaniards”, “Mumbaikars” etc. The demonym for which place is “Mancunian”?

13 11 Jewish Rabi are unhappy with Whatsapp (Hint: they don’t want to be Nirmohi Akhara) and have officially communicated their concerns. What concern? Why? Hint?

14 *12

15 13 Which food joints had a major ad Blitz with the "Hungry Kya?” campaign?

16 *14


18 16 Difference between Astronaut & Cosmonaut ?

19 17 Name the novel which is the biggest selling novel in history ?

20 18 Ruth Handler, American Business woman and a inventor of what?

21 19 Name the plant which has been grown by NASA in ISS, it’s a first plant to be ever grown in space station ?

22 20 Name the F1 driver who died recently after being in comatose after getting into a crash during Japanese Grand Prix

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