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Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Approach Draft _V3.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Approach Draft _V3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Approach Draft _V3

2 Contents I.Journey So Far II.Design Principles III.Overall SWE Organization IV.Diversity and Inclusion Pillars V.Ownership and Responsibility VI.Responsibility of the Board VII.The Envisioned Journey and Milestones VIII.Updated Diversity Business Plan

3 Considerable progress has been made in understanding diversity and what it means for SWE's priorities and developing recommendations going forward FY 05 Key focus for FY05 President Diversity Training offered to Board Multi-cultural Committee focused on outreach for minorities FY 07 Key focus for FY07 President Membership survey includes diversity questions FY 06 Multi-cultural Committee drove Cultural Sensitivity Training IBM Excellence Award and creation of diversity training module The Journey So Far

4  create shared accountability and leadership (BOD and other SWE leaders)  align current and future business needs with diversity goals  communicate consistently about expectations and opportunities  build the external SWE brand; organization committed to diversity 4  take action to reflect the commitment Design Principles

5 Overall SWE Organization – Definition of Diversity & Inclusion Constituencies Group BOT

6 Diversity and Inclusion Pillars Pillar Objective 1. CommunicationsDevelop consistent messaging for SWE brand that features diversity and inclusion 2. PipelineBuild diverse leadership pool and management capabilities for SWE 3. AccountabilityBuild framework and process to hold leadership accountable for driving diversity actions and results through the organization 4. Leadership Training Driving the SWE legacy through the organization raises awareness and promotes inclusion (SWE members are risk-takers and trailblazers) Gender Diversity Power Broker SWE the voice of women engineers SWE Board Alumnae are sought after for revered leadership positions Note: training throughout the SWE lifecycle, from collegiate member through all leadership positions CPAL – Communications, Pipeline, Accountability, Leadership Training

7 Owners and Responsibility 1. Communications – HQ –Internal Toolkit for sections/regions Continual messaging to membership on SWE brand –External –Transitions in leadership 2. Pipeline - Regions –“Link and label” to the face of SWE in the 21 st century –Identifying and nurturing raw talent –Creating opportunities for leadership development –Identifying high potential to the BOD

8 Owners and Responsibility 3. Accountability – BOD –Overall expectations –Manage governance structure for results Protocol for performance review mapped to leadership development for HQ, region/section leadership, committees –Review and leverage succession plans –Responsible for recognizing the hard work and accomplishments 4. Leadership training – BOD –BOD ensures for all constituents –Leveraging SWE’s trailblazers for personal growth for BOD members (i.e. best practices from past president)

9 Responsibility of the BOD Define the leadership principles / face of SWE in the 21 st century Socialize and create Society-wide buy-in –Continually communicating consistent message –Responsibility to inform all constituencies of BOD activities –Responsibility to drive SWE directives Oversight –Continual process for reporting progress and challenges –Check-in on every pillar Grooming and growing –Coaching directs –Mentoring two people that don’t look like you –Attend with direct/mentee at least one diversity session at conference

10 Building on progress and plan FY 05 Key focus for FY05 President Diversity Training offered to Board Multi-cultural Committee focused on outreach for minorities FY 07 Key focus for FY07 President Develop SWE Diversity & Inclusion Strategy at the Board level Membership survey includes diversity questions FY 09 SWE perceived as a "Gender Diversity Power Broker" FY 08 Implement of D&I strategy By year-end, process is institutionalized FY 06 Multi-cultural Committee drove Cultural Sensitivity Training IBM Excellence Award and creation of diversity training module The Envisioned Journey

11 BOD 1 FY07 Strategic concept agreed by Board BOD 3 FY07 Leadership principles and “face of SWE in the 21 st century” defined RGs present high-potentials to BOD BOD 1 FY08 Leadership training with BOD and high- potentials BOD 2 FY08 BOD 3 FY08 BOD 2 FY07 BOD 4 FY07 Milestones

12 The Business Case for Diversity Stakeholders Diverse stakeholders. Sponsors value all diversity. Integrity Mission is to demonstrate the value of diversity. Effectiveness Diverse organizations have better performance. Premier organization for women engineers & students Voice of all women engineers

13 Updated Business Case for Diversity SWE’s success in advancing our mission is inextricably linked to diversity. Fully utilizing the perspectives, talents, and participation of SWE’s diverse membership is central to successfully serving our stakeholders (members, partners, and public) and developing the best products (leaders, programs, conferences, publications).

14 FY07 Diversity Priorities, Key Initiatives and Owners Partnering Definitions, Training & Assessment Define what to measure Measure and review demographics Address risks to Society BOD Succession Planning & Development Processes to support a diverse pipeline Training to advance high potentials Formal leadership program RGs identify high potentials BOD ratifies candidates & oversees successful advancement Communications Membership information Spotlight/recognize members Programs target member segments HQ Outreach Drive K-12 programs to underrepresented groups Director of Education/BOD Environment Appreciate all volunteers and staff Create welcoming environment BOD Facilitate local partnering with other diversity organizations Create model programs Director of Membership/BOD HQ


16 Socialize and create Society-wide buy-in The message –Why –What –What do I need to do? The Casscade –Print Media Who communicates the message –Who are the Key people Board Contact All Past Presidents – Informal list (Vi, Alma, Gloria, et al)  Alma and Vi – Bernice  Gloria and Sherita – Virginia  Suzanne – Betty  Peggy Lane – Judie Forbes  Ruth Ann – Helen  Jill Tijgen - Linette Vocal Stakeholders  College of Fellows – Judie Forbes MCC Members – Bernice Timeline HQ – Distribute slides within one week – Talking Point include “Hot Words” Board Contact – communicates by end of February Report back – Telecon in March

17 Oversight –Continual process for reporting progress and challenges –Check-in on every pillar –Keep the momentum –Transition –Succession planning review Review proposed plan and provide feedback Monitor the timing Monitor the dependencies Facilitate and Collaboration Figure out how to measure (ask pillars to come back with a set of measurements – What will success look like?) Deal with non-performance issues Empowerment Positive Reinforcements – cudos (Review on quarterly basis) Timing –Initial Review (in-depth and comprehensive) - may need to adjust/review frequency by pillars –Quarterly review –Annually revisit plan –Integrate into Strategic Plan – 30 year vision statement –Integrate into Strategic Plan – FY09 (Refresh – late summer/early fall 2007)

18 Coaching, Developing, and Growing  Coach directs (eg, committee chairs and members) Leverage the VC approach Build out the “sponsorship” component (VC) Talent Management of directs  Host “Breakfast with Leaders” Mentoring two people that don’t look like you (diverse mentees) RCRs/High Potential Talent Pool Speed Mentoring with SWE Leaders (BS or LP)  Attend with direct/mentee at least one diversity session at conference  Involve next level of leadership in the above  Guiding Principles for Coaching, Developing and Growing –Priorities – courtesy to directs –Develop “your mirror” : Help understand how you are being perceived –Invest/develop relationships (high priority) –Take an active role in the process (directs) –Deliver consistent messages and provide “real – time” feedback –Peer mentoring –Sponsoring (champion) –We must be the change we wish to see

19 Define the leadership principles / face of SWE in the 21 st century Man or Woman Respectful of the other leaders and members Integrity, respect, mutual support, and professional excellence Calculated(??) Risk-takers Trail Blazers Define new trails Transformative Proactive Change Agents Decisive Sought After Courageous Strategic Trusting Accountable Community Building Smart Business Women Globally Smart Women Treat Others with Respect (Mutual Respect) Command Respect Aspire to Build Respect Walk the Talk

20 Leadership Training – BOD  BOD ensures for all constituents Personal Leadership Development – New Build – Curriculum “SWE Women the edge” (Bernice and Betty) Section Presidents Regions Board COR Collegiate SWE Leadership Position Training – Nomination – Nora, Bernice, Erin McGinnis Roles and Responsibilities – On the job training Smith Volunteer Leadership Training  Leveraging SWE’s trailblazers for personal growth for BOD members and potential BOD members (i.e. best practices/lessons learned from past president) SWE Education and Training (Siddika Demir and VC)

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