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7 th Grade Academic Vocabulary. Adjustment- (n) an adaptation/change to fit a particular condition, position, or purpose. Exposure- (n) present in an.

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Presentation on theme: "7 th Grade Academic Vocabulary. Adjustment- (n) an adaptation/change to fit a particular condition, position, or purpose. Exposure- (n) present in an."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th Grade Academic Vocabulary

2 Adjustment- (n) an adaptation/change to fit a particular condition, position, or purpose. Exposure- (n) present in an open or public manner; laying open, or uncovering. Modify- (v) to change the form or qualities of; to alter partially. Monitor- (v.) to oversee, supervise, or regulate; (n) a person appointed to supervise; a machine used to observe. Transition- (n) movement or change from one position, state, subject, etc., to another; change. (v) to transition, change, or move.

3 Alter- (v) to make different; to change Compound- (adj) made of two or more parts; (n) something made by combining two or more parts; (v) to combine parts. Conflict- (v) to disagree, to fight; (n) a fight or struggle. Fundamental- (adj) being an essential part; (n) a rule/law. Substitute- (n) a person or thing serving in the place of another; (v) to put in the place of another.

4 Diversity – (n) the condition of being different or having differences; having different types people in a group or organization Enhance – (v) to increase or improve as in value, desirability, or attractiveness; heighten Migration – (n) the action or an act of passing from one region or climate to another Presume – (v) to undertake without leave or clear justification; to suppose to be true without proof Reveal – (v) to make known; to show plainly

5 Advocates - (n) a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc. Contrary - (adj) opposite in nature or character; diametrically or mutually opposed. - (adv) in opposition; oppositely; counter. Prohibit - (v) to forbid (an action, activity, etc.) by authority or lawl. Release -(v) to free from confinement, obligation, pain, etc.; let go: -(n) liberation from anything that restrains or fastens. Reverse -(adj) opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character. -(n) the opposite or contrary of something. -(v) to turn in an opposite position;

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