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The Periodic Table Classification And Trends. The s-, p-, d-, and – f block Elements.

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Presentation on theme: "The Periodic Table Classification And Trends. The s-, p-, d-, and – f block Elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Periodic Table Classification And Trends

2 The s-, p-, d-, and – f block Elements

3 s-Block Elements

4 s-Block Elements Group-1 Alkali Metals Includes_________________ but not ____. end with _____ Example:______________________________ These are all ______ metals (can be cut with a knife) They are SO REACTIVE they are not found in nature as _____ _________ but always in compounds ex. ______ So Reactive they often react with _____ and ________ !!!! React strongly with ____________ (chlorine) Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, FrH s1s1 Li: 1s 2 2s 1 Na: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 1 soft free elements NaCl air water halogens X

5 s-Block Elements Group 2 – Alkaline Earth Metals Includes:_________________________ Ends with ____ Ex:______________________________ __________, __________, __________, than Alkali Metals Still ____ _________ to be found as free elements Always in ___________ ex. CaCo 3 (Calcium Carbonate – “Limestone”) Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra s2s2 Mg 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 Ca 4s 2 stronger denser harder tooreactive compounds

6 d-Block Elements Transition Metals

7 Includes Groups ___ - ___ Ex.______________________________ ________ metals, ______ reactive Some not reactive at all: ______, ________, and ____________ - have never been found in compound Compounds are __________!! (ex. CuSO 4 – Copper Sulfate – blue) Outer sublevel are __ and __ Ex. Nickel __________________ 312 gold, iron, silver, nickel, copper typicalless goldplatinum palladium colorful sd [Ar] 4s 2 3d 8

8 p-Block Elements

9 3 categories: –________ –____________ –_________ End with ___ and ___ sublevels Ex. Chlorine____________ sp 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 5 metals non-metals metalloids

10 Halogens (Group 17 (7A)) Includes: _______________________ most ________ non-metals react with metals to form _______ ex. _________ 1 electron _________ of stable noble gas notation, so usually gain 1 electron to make _________ (ex. Cl - ) F, Cl, Br, I, (At) active salt NaCl short 1 - ion

11 Noble Gases (Group 18 (8A)) Includes: _______________________ Their electron configurations all end in ____, except He which ends in ___. All have _______ valence electrons, except helium which has _______. The are considered ________________ as they are chemically __________. He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn 8 2 stable Non-reactive p6p6 s2s2

12 Metalloids X

13 along __________________ (not Al) includes: ________________________ both metal and non-metal properties zig-zag line / staircase B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po, (At)

14 f-Block Elements Lanthanides Actinides

15 f-Block Elements Period 6: Lanthanides –_______ metals like alkaline earth metals –ex. Cerium Period 7: Actinides –ALL are ____________ - no known stable isotopes!!!! –ex. __________, ___________ shiny radioactive Uraniumplutonium

16 Valence Electrons Trends in the Periodic Table

17 Valence Electrons These are the _________electrons, and the electrons available to be _______ or ______ in chemical compounds The presence of ______ valence electrons is chemically ______ Elements tend to react to acquire the stable electron structure of a ___________. outer most gainedlost 8 stable noble gas

18 IONS An atom or group of bonded atoms with a _____________ or ___________ charge. positive negative

19 Positive Ions Are called ___________ They form when an atom ____________ electrons. Example: Sodium CATIONS LOSES Protons: 11+ Electrons: 10- Na 1+ ion

20 Negative Ions Are called _________. They form when an atom _______ electrons. Example: Chlorine ANIONS GAINS Protons: 17+ Electrons: 18 - Na 1 - ion

21 How are ions formed?

22 Electron Dot Structure Consists of the element’s ________ and ____ representing the atom’s VALENCE electrons. Ex. symboldots Na Cl

23 Valence electron periodic trends Group Valence Electrons Ion Tendency Example Electron Dot Structure 1 (1A) 2 (2A) 13 (3A) 14 (4A) 15 (5A) 16 (6A) 17 (7A) 18 (8A) 5 2 3 6 7 4 1 8 1+ 2+ 3+ 3- 1- 2- stable Na + Ca 2+ Al 3+ P 3- O 2- Cl - Na Ca Al P O Cl C Ne

24 Questions??? What is the electron dot structure for a)Sulfur? b)Magnesium?

25 Questions??? How many valence electrons do the following elements have? a)Silicon? b)Oxygen? 4 6

26 Questions??? Predict the ion for a)Aluminum? b)Strontium? Al 3+ Sr 2+

27 Questions??? Do the following elements typically gain or lose electrons? a)Fluorine? b)Cesium? It’s a non-metal So…. GAINS 1 It’s a metal so…. LOSES 1

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