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Stormwater and our Local Watersheds Green Night in Roselle May 7, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Stormwater and our Local Watersheds Green Night in Roselle May 7, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stormwater and our Local Watersheds Green Night in Roselle May 7, 2009

2 A watershed is the area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off of it goes into the same place Watersheds come in all shapes and sizes. They cross county, state, and national boundaries In the continental US, there are 2,110 watersheds Berks County, PA

3 The DuPage River and Salt Creek Watersheds Salt Creek Watershed Network

4 The Salt Creek Watershed Salt Creek Watershed Network

5 What Happens on the Land Affects the Water 60%60%0-10%0-10% Development Increases Run-off NEMO

6 Lots of Stormwater due to Impervious Surfaces Roads Parking Buildings Sidewalks Driveways Center for Watershed Protection

7 ~10% Impervious Surfaces As a Watershed Develops, there is More and More Impervious Cover (and as a result, more and more runoff) Center for Watershed Protection

8 ~ 75% Impervious Surfaces Center for Watershed Protection

9 The DuPage River and Salt Creek Watersheds WatershedLand UseImpervious Surfaces Salt Creek49% of the watershed classified as residential land use 23% of the watershed covered by impervious surfaces East Branch DuPage River 40% residential land use16% of the watershed covered by impervious surfaces West Branch DuPage River 33% residential land use; 17% agricultural land use. It is expected that over time a greater percentage of the land will be converted to residential use. 14% of the watershed covered by impervious surfaces

10 Stream widening and erosionStream widening and erosion Decreased channel stabilityDecreased channel stability Reduced fish habitatReduced fish habitat Effects of Higher Flow Volumes and Higher Flow Velocities…

11 Effects from Rainfall, Impervious Surfaces, and Stormwater

12 In watersheds with less than 5% impervious cover, streams are typically stable and pristine, maintaining good pool and riffle structure, a large, wetted perimeter, even during low flow, and a good riparian canopy coverage. Center for Watershed Protection

13 At 10% impervious cover, the stream is slightly more visibly impacted. The stream shown here has approximately doubled its original size, tree roots are exposed, and the pool and riffle structure seen in sensitive streams is lost. Center for Watershed Protection

14 The surrounding area of this stream is also approximately 20% impervious cover. Erosion is severe here due to the absence of vegetation to hold together bank structure. Center for Watershed Protection

15 Stream Channel Erosion

16 Increased quantity Decreased quality Nutrients Pathogens Sediment Toxic Contaminants Oil and Grease Thermal Stress Pollutant Discharges NEMO

17 Southwestern Michigan Commission; Center for Watershed Protection

18 Green Infrastructure can help Protect Water Resources

19 Green Infrastructure Rain Gardens Bioswales Constructed Wetlands/Basins Green Roofs Cisterns/Rain Barrels Porous Pavements These features: Increase Infiltration Increase Evapotranspiration Reduce Volume of Runoff Rain Gardens Bioswales Constructed Wetlands/Basins Green Roofs Cisterns/Rain Barrels Porous Pavements These features: Increase Infiltration Increase Evapotranspiration Reduce Volume of Runoff

20 Maplewood, MN Infiltration Practices Rain Gardens

21 Rain Garden Design

22 Inverness Park District

23 Vegetated Swales

24 drain Parking Lots Not so good Good – Run-off from the parking lot can be absorbed by the plants and soil Center for Watershed Protection

25 Morton Arboretum Permeable Paving

26 Ryerson Woods Welcome Center Permeable Asphalt

27 Porous Concrete Seattle, WA


29 RiverPark of Geneva Landscaping with Native Plants

30  Absorbs more water in wet weather  Needs less watering in dry weather  Reduces/Prevents Pollution  Provides Habitat and Enhances Ecological Function

31 Native Plants have Deep Roots Heidi Natura

32 Chicago Botanic Garden Before

33 After

34 Morton Arboretum

35 Not so good. Rooftop Run-off Good

36 Rooftop Run-off CisternCistern Ryerson Woods Visitor Center Rain Barrel

37 Chicago City Hall 20,300 sf intensive green roof with 20,000 plants of more than 100 native species 20,300 sf intensive green roof with 20,000 plants of more than 100 native species Installed in 2000 Installed in 2000 Decreases air and roof surface temperatures Decreases air and roof surface temperatures Retains 75% of a one-inch rainfall event Retains 75% of a one-inch rainfall event Provides habitat Provides habitat Green Roofs

38 Extensive Green Roof Light and Relatively Inexpensive Highland Gardens, Milwaukee, WI

39 Green Roofs

40 Green Infrastructure and Climate Change Reduces Urban Heat Island Effects Reduces Energy Consumption Reduces Water Use Reduces Energy Consumption Reduces construction activities/materials Carbon Sequestration

41 Think Globally Salt Creek / Illinois River Basin

42 Act Locally

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